Chapter 11

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When we got back the others were already awake. And once they saw they saw the state of us they were .

"Did you two fall into a lake or something? ", Harvey .

"Wow genius ", I said sarcastically.

"Where's Diana and Parker ?", Sophie asked .

So I told them about everything we saw.

"Woah you'll saw them and you didn't even tell us till we asked ", Harvey said.

"Well they're not the only people we saw in here ", Nigel said smirking .

I saw Harvey and Sophie 's eyes widen.

"Wait is there something We're missing here ?", Oliver asked .

"Oh yes bro , you two ", I said pointing to Summer and Oliver , "Was not lucky enough too see what we saw".

But we completely forgot about that topic when Diana and Parker came out of the forest and all we could do was to hold in our laughter.

They looked confused so we decided to let it slide. We then agreeded to go to the lake me and Nigel found.

Once we got there I made sure no one sat on the branches . Instead we sat under the tree.

"Guys did you'll see something move over there ?", Diana asked pointing to the left of the lake .

We all said no. So Diana decided to go check . She walked towards in and peered at the water. She looked up and opened her mouth to speak when a huge tentacle came out of the water and wrapped around Diana.

She let out a ear piercing scream. Then a creature with huge fangs and dozen tentacles rose out of the water and grabbed her and raised her high in the air.

We all stood up and me , Nigel, Oliver , Harvey and Parker ran towards the water and waded in .

I remembered Ryan showing me a way to summon ivy. I tried it and and ivy long ad eighteen feet shot out of my hand.  It wrapped itself around one of the monster's other tentacles.

The others saw what I did and they tried it too . The ivy wrapped itself around the monster.

Now the only thing to do was save Diana.  But then the boys swam under water and tied the ropes of ivy to rocks underwater.

I then shot a rope of ivy which grabbed Diana's leg and pulled her down. She fell into the water with a splash , Parker dived in and emerged with Diana shivering with cold and shock.

The monster was still tied up but it was trashing it's head violently.

"It looks as if it can break free any moment, so let's get out of here guys", Harvey said.

We agreed and once everyone has gotten out Diana yelled , "My bracelet!". It was floating near one of the monster's tentacles.

We don't know why but that bracelet is so precious to her .

"Don't worry I'll get it ", I said  and jumped back in.

I grabbed it and was about to come out when the monster broke free and grabbed me But instead of raising me high in the air like it did to Diana it started pulling me under water with it.

I heard splashes behind me and someone grabbing the back of my shirt. But the monster was to strong . Suddenly a spear came hurtling out of nowhere and hit the monster square on the head .

Blood flew in every direction changing the colour of the water to beautiful blue to creepy red. Another hand grabbed my waist and pulled me up.

Once I resurfaced I gasped for air. I looked at whoever saved me , it was Ryan.

"Ryan what are you doing here ?" , I asked .

"I heard screams so I came to see what was happening ", he said.

"Um...thank you for saving me ", I said.

"No problem ", he said rubbing the back of his neck .

Nigel resurfaced next to me with  Oliver and Harvey . We  got out of the lake and decided to go back.

But I noticed that Nigel was upset about something .

"What's up with you ?", I asked .

"No nothing I'm fine ".

"If you say so ".

We changed into dry clothes and wen back home. Today was fun but just as scary.

The WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora