Chapter 4

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I heard the key turn in the lock and I sat up . It was Daniel . He looked scared as he came in.

"Scarlett listen I can let you out if you promise you won't try attacking me again", he said.

"You better or next time I won't try I definitely will attack you", I said furiously".

He nodded and signaled me over . I stood up and followed.

Outside the room was a long hallway , at the end of it was a large metal door with all these complicated locks and stuff.

Daniel opened the door by entering a password. It opened to reveal an alley way.

"Where do you want to go I'll take you there", he said.

"No thanks I can go alone ", I said .

"It's dangerous to be out at this time of the night especially in this area".

"I'm half wolf remember ".

"That's exactly the problem, now come on" , he said and led me to a motor bike.

We climbed on and I gave him directions to go to Diana's house. I couldn't face my mom yet why haven't she ever told me I'm half wolf ? Why did she hide it ?

When we arrived at Diana's house it was already 2.30 am. I walked to their front door and rang the bell. The door opened to reveal Diana's mom in her dressing gown.

She looked at me shocked. I mean anyone would be if their daughter's friend shows up at their place at 2.30am with a random boy.

"Hi Mrs . Andrews um....can I stay here for tonight", I said nervously.

She said OK and let me in and took me to Diana 's room.

Surprisingly the light in her room was switched on. She saw me enter and turned off her phone as fast as she could.

"Scarlett what are you doing here?", she asked.

I didn't answer instead I grabbed her phone off the bed and switched it on. She yelled and lunged for it but since I was taller I managed to keep it out of her reach.

I remember her password since I once saw her open her phone in school. It opened up to Parker's chat.

"Let's see here ", I said.

"Oh Parker I love you too, cringe ", I said giving the phone back to her.

"That's why you'll never get into a relationship ", she said still mad about the incident.

"Relationships Nah I don't like'em cause well relationship equals problems ".

"Problems what sort of problems?" , Diana asked. Damn she sounds like a clueless puppy .

"You know wondering if your boyfriend is cheating on you ", I said.

She glared at me and sat down on her bed. I the told her everything I found out and boy was she shocked.

She immediately called Sophie and Summer and told them everything. They were shocked too. I mean who wouldn't be if they found out one of their friends was half wolf.

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