Chapter 8

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At school the eight of us stuck together most of the time. At the end of the day we were going down the stairs there were yells and shouts. Heather ran up the stairs and said ,"We have been attacked y'all can't handle this get as far away as y'all can especially you Scarlett ".

We ran for what seemed like ages , we stopped at place that looked abandoned area except for a few buildings. But why did these buildings look so familiar.

"Guys we can't stop", Nigel said.

"Yeah he's right", Harvey agreed .

"Then me , Scarlett , Oliver and Summer can go this way ", Nigel said pointing to the left ,"And y'all go the opposite way".

So we ran. At one turn we heard voices so we stopped and hid behind a building and watched. There were a boy and two men. But that was Daniel.

"That boy, I know him, he helped me escape that day ", I said .

"So are you planning on going out there and saving him, are you nuts? ", Nigel yelled .

Oliver clamped his hand to Nigel's mouth and whisper-yelled ,"Are you trying to get us killed".

Nigel shook his head and yanked Oliver's hand away.

Then we heard yelling , I peeked around the corner and saw one man holding a gun and he was holding it to the side of Daniel's head while the other guy held Daniel in place.

I couldn't take it anymore. I felt anger rushing through my veins  and before I knew it I had already transformed . I ran like the wind and jumped on the man with the gun and sunk my fangs into his right shoulder. He yelled in pain and dropped the gun . I then tackled him to the ground. The other guy flung Daniel away and came from behind me and grabbed my shirt.

Then I heard a yell. I turned around to see Nigel, he has set fire to the man. The man rolled on the ground trying to put the fire out I got up and grabbed Daniel's hand and we ran before the two men could get up. Nigel , Summer and Oliver followed .

As we ran we heard yells from one of the buildings, I stopped and listened ,"Guys that sound like Diana. We followed the sound into one of the buildings , it seemed to be coming from the one of the rooms on the seventh floor. We ran upstairs and we saw the four of them tied up in chairs but thankfully the other peoples backs were to us . We climbed down to the second floor and went in to a room.

"What are we gonna do ? " , Nigel asked.

"Save them duh", I said.

"But how ? , we only know to summon fire and lighting ", Oliver asked.

"Well yeah but Nigel's fire saved us back then so why not now? ", I said.

"That was on one person there's more than ten here", Summer said.

"So that's what you two are here for ", Nigel said.

"Then you, Scarlett ? ", Oliver asked.

"I transform and attack some of them y'all take care of the rest".

"Yes but what do we use ? ", Summer asked.

"Lighting can crack roads and these buildings are old and the floors are made of wood so it can break, so Summer and Oliver crack the floors around the men and Nigel you can surprisingly summon a great fire " , I said.

"Yeah bro don't underestimate me ", he said smugly.

"Listen there's no time for that , you then set fire to some of them like you did back there I attack some of them and Daniel you untie them ", I said taking and took a deep breath.

I signaled them to follow me and we climbed the stairs and I nodded and them I transformed this time not by getting mad but because I wanted so that means I can control that power . I was happy but this was not the time to celebrate that.

I ran into the room and pounced on the nearest person and knocked him to the ground and bit him . I guess wolf fangs really hurt.

I saw Nigel send fire zooming across the room setting people on fire and Oliver and Summer made the biggest flash of lighting I have ever see. As chaos erupted Daniel untied the others . I ran towards others attacking them and then I faced their leader .

"You ready to die ?".

I was going to attack him too but the lighting Summer and Oliver was summoning hit the floor between me and their leader . The floor beneath my feet gave away and I was falling...falling.

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