Bose:"Yeah I do. I really do. A-a-a-a-a lot."


Bose:"Yeah you're really pretty. And funny. And smart. And brave. You're amazing Chapa. And I understand if you don't feel the sam--"

Bose suddenly felt a pair of very soft lips pressed against his own. Bose O'brian was being kissed by the girl of his dreams. Lula Elena Chapa Da Silva.

Bose:(In his head)"Is this real?"

Bose touches Chapa's soft pretty face.

Bose:(In his head)"Yep. This is real. This is happening."

Bose closes his eyes, kisses back and savors the moment of the dream that he fantasized for so long coming true. Bose snakes his arms around Chapa's waist. Chapa wraps her arms around Bose's neck and runs her hands through Bose's soft silky hair. Bose roams his hands around Chapa's curvy beautiful body and explores it. Bose plunges his tongue into Chapa's mouth and explores it. Chapa plunges her tongue into Bose's mouth and explores it. Eventually, Chapa and Bose were running out of breath so they slowly pulled away with a 'click' their faces red and panting. Bose has a dazed expression on his face.

Bose:(Dazed)"Did that really just happen?"

Chapa tenderly strokes Bose's face as she nods.

Chapa:"Mhm. Do you want it to happen again?"

Bose:(Immediately answering)"Yes!"

Bose and Chapa kiss again.

They break the kiss.

Bose:"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."

Chapa giggles.

Chapa:"Bose I like you too."

Bose:"Chapa will you be my girlfriend?"


Bose pumps his fist.

Bose:"Yeah! Yes! Points for Bose!"

Chapa giggles.

Bose picks up Chapa and swings her around in total happiness.

Chapa squeals and giggles and laughs in delight.

Bose:"I can't believe it! I'm dating the most amazing girl in the world!"

Chapa:"And I'm dating the most amazing boy in the world!"

The next day

Bose and Chapa come into S.W.A.G. holding hands.

Bose:"Guys, we have very exciting news."

Miles, Mika, Ray, and Schwoz all look up.

Chapa:"Bose and I...We're a couple!"

Schwoz:"Aww! That's so sweet!"

Ray:"Aww! Young love."

Mika:"Aww! I'm so happy for you two!"

Miles doesn't say anything. He just remains silent.

Mika:"What's the matter bro? Aren't you happy for them?"

Miles:(Emotionless)"Yeah yeah sure."

Mika arched an eyebrow. She didn't believe that for a second. She fixed Miles with a look. Miles sighs in defeat. 

Miles:"Okay, I'm not happy for you two. I don't like you two dating because...I like Chapa too."


Bose has an angry look on his face.

Miles:"Don't be mad..."

Bose:(Angrily)"Oh I am WAY past mad!(Brings Chapa closer to him)Chapa is MY girl! I really like her a lot!"

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