the twenty-fourth.

Start from the beginning

I realize that the jig is up and decide to unlock the door.
When I open it up, there she is. Looking as pretty as a picture. Eyes glittering, hair natural now and slicked back into a ponytail.

"Good afternoon. May I come in?" her dewy voice is as sweet as ever.

Who am I to say no to you?

I gesture for her to enter and I close the door behind her. A waft of sweetness swirls in the air as she passes me.

She looks up at me, "I'm going to make this quick. I know that you're probably nervous for tomorrow, but I just wanted to apologize and say that I am sorry for raising my voice at you. I know that you have trouble with technology and I should've been more understanding."

Oh, Adeola...
No, no, no pretty girl. I should be the one apologizing to you.

"However," she continues, "I don't appreciate how you talked to me, it was unnecessary to say the things that you said, Dr. Kazem. I think we can both agree that was very petty on your part. I respect myself too much and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, so I suggest that you find some respect for me as well. At least as much as I have for you to personally come here and apologize. I did not cross all these waters to get talked down to and treated like a child."

"Miss Adebayo I-"

She cuts me off, "I'm not finished. Since the second that I've stepped foot into your classroom, I have worked nonstop. I've done everything that you've asked of me and more, even the most trivial tasks. And on top of that, I still have to study hard for my own classes. I have hardly had a second to myself since being here. I haven't been able to see any of Canada, I haven't been able to adapt, I'm not even fully unpacked. That's why I was so insistent on getting the problem with your computer solved so that I could have some time to myself."

I am truly a fucking idiot. A certified piece of shit.

"I deeply apologize, Miss Adebayo. You are right. I've given you a needlessly large workload since your arrival and that is unfair to you. I never even considered all the stuff that you have to do on a daily basis. I also apologize for the way in which I talked to you. I spoke out of anger. I shouldn't have said that you weren't special. You clearly are very good at your job and I appreciate everything you've done for me. I promise you that that won't happen again. I wish I could undo how I treated you, but I can't so I'm sorry."

Her cheeks bunch up as she smiles with her dimples that are deeper than the abyss. She starts laughing, "Why are you always so serious? You talk as if you're a walking email."

I feel a corner of my lips slip upwards and my face burned, "I- I don't know..."

She grabs my wrists, waving my arms back and forth, "Hmm! Professor, professor. Come on, be happy. It's okay. I forgive you."

I just looked down at her, paralyzed by her soft touch.

She laughs again, "I have something for you," she fishes around in her purse and hands me a small box, "It's a webcam. For your computer. I got it express shipped so that you could have it for class tomorrow."

Adeola, you are an angel express shipped from heaven.

An inevitable grin spreads across my face, "Thank you, Miss Adebayo. That was very kind of you. How much was it? I'll reimburse you."

Her eyes shift, "I don't know, it was a Christmas gift."

But you just said that it was express shipped, Adeola. I find how bad you are at lying adorable.
That's okay, sweet girl. I'll let you keep it to yourself, but I'll pay you back somehow.

"Okay," I nod, taking a sip of my wine, "Oh, would you like something to drink?"

She eyes my wine glass, "What's that?"

"This? It's some random chardonnay that I got from-"

She plucks it up from my hands and takes a sip of it without breaking my eye contact.

Her eyes make me lose focus momentarily, "From- uh...The Sutton Place."

She sucks the remains from her bottom lip as she places the glass back into my hand that is still frozen in the shape of the glass like a little LEGO man, "That's so good...oh, you don't mind sharing do you?"

I shake my head.

"Good. I promise I don't have covid," she chuckled, "It's your turn." she said, tilting the glass into my mouth. I took a sip, then she followed after, drinking it the same way as she did before.

When it was my turn again, the liquid hardly kissed my lips before she pulled the glass out of my hand.

"I'm so glad you're not one of those germaphobes," she says in a voice that is utterly sensual. I didn't know that the word germaphobe could sound so sexy but she  somehow pulled it off.

She turned the glass to the spot where I had been taking sips and touched her lips down on it, swallowing the last gulp.

She set the glass on the counter and backed away towards the door and with a cheeky smirk she wished me a good day.

I have the strangest boner right now.

Professor, Professor || BWAMWhere stories live. Discover now