the seventeeth

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From: <<>>
To: <<>>

Good evening Miss Adebayo,

I know that it is past the time in which we usually communicate so I hope that you don't find my timing to be inappropriate. 

I just wanted to reach out to thank you for the amazing job you did converting my lesson plans into an online format! I am sure that it was no easy task considering the bulk of my lessons however I am truly impressed.

You have made my life exponentially easier.

Thank you so much,

Dr. Zaain Kazem, PhD زين كاظم
Professor of Legal Studies
Neruda University School of Law

From: <<>>
To: <<>>

Dr. Kazem,

You flatter me.

I'm so glad that it is up to your standards. I know that you run a tight ship, so I wanted to do my best adapting your class into a seamless format that you would be able to easily segue into.

I want to make this transition as easy as possible for you and our students.

That being said, let me know if there's anything else that I can do for you!

Adeola Adebayo
Education Assistant
Neruda University School of Law

From: <<>>
To: <<>>

Miss Adebayo,

You have exceeded my expectations and your hard work has certainly not gone unnoticed.

Now that you mention it, there is something that you can help me with.

In all honesty, I'm utterly lost and I could really use your help with setting up the video conference. If you could assist me with that before our class next Monday, I would greatly appreciate it.

Whenever I try to start a conference, it just keeps showing me this error. I contacted the IT department several times to no avail.
It's been days and I still have yet to hear from them.

Besides, I find you to be more reliable.

I will be free all weekend long so don't feel rushed to assist me.

Dr. Zaain Kazem, PhD
Professor of Legal Studies
Neruda University School of Law

From: <<>>
To: <<>>


I'm free tonight, I could help you.
Would you like to have a test video conference right now?
Just send me the link and I'll join as if I were a student and walk you through it from there.

Adeola Adebayo
Education Assistant
Neruda University School of Law

From: <<>>
To: <<>>

Miss Adebayo,

I appreciate the courtesy.

However, I understand that it is almost 9pm. Truthfully I was not expecting you to answer my email so quickly.

I wouldn't want to disrupt your nightly schedule.

Also, where do I obtain this link for you to join?

Dr. Zaain Kazem, PhD
Professor of Legal Studies
Neruda University School of Law

From: <<>>
To: <<>>

No worries, I have time tonight. It's really not a problem!

Also to get the link: Go to the top right of the home page.
Click Share Share room Copy link

We should continue our conversation through the program so that you can get accustomed to using it.

Adeola Adebayo
Education Assistant
Neruda University School of Law

From: <<>>
To: <<>>

Miss Adebayo,

Alright! If you really are unoccupied, I suppose we could do it now, why not?

I believe I managed to find the correct link:

Dr. Zaain Kazem, PhD
Professor of Legal Studies
Neruda University School of Law

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