the nineteenth.

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141 Water Street #50311:40 PMJanuary 2019

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141 Water Street #503
11:40 PM
January 2019

"You know, this is a really nice little setup you got here, Dr. Kazem. It's really you."

I pour only a half-glass of wine for her this time, "What do you mean it's me?"

She plants her elbows into the island, leaning over it, "I don't know, it's just like your architectural soulmate. It's not too much, but also not too little. It's serious but comfortable."

I find her so refreshing. So different from the numerous humdrum people of the world. She loves to over-analyze and then make these sweeping summaries of the people that she comes across. Last time she said if I was a pizza topping I would be a halal pepperoni. I'm still not sure what that means but I find her fascinating nonetheless.

"Care to elaborate?" I wish to entertain her tonight.

She takes the glass and hoists herself onto the counter so that we are at eye-level, "Just look around. There's nothing here that doesn't serve a purpose. Everything in this room is something that you have for a reason."

I chuckle, "Why would I have something for no reason?"

She snaps her fingers and a lone star twinkles in her eye like she's had a huge aha! moment, "That! Right there!"

"What right where?"

"You buy based on utility! But the average person will always consider buying shit that they want before buying shit that they need. Even if it's useless, even if they're dirt poor they will always find the money. I don't know how many times I've bought things on a whim or sunk money into a fleeting hobby. "

I kiss her cheek and it's warm, "That seems like a first-world sentiment, sweetheart."

"Maybe, but it's true! Why do you think grocery stores change their layout around all the time? Because they want you to look around and stumble on something new for you to waste your money on. Think about it. Last week's bread aisle is today's snack section. "

She talks with her hands. Expressing my speech through my body is something that's never come naturally to me. I envy her as much as I admire her for it, "So, you're saying I'm...a grocery store?"

I miss the point purposely just so that she can go off on another one of her adorable little tangents.

"No! You're efficient. That's your thing. Like, this whole place screams minimalist luxury. That's your whole vibe," she takes a long sip of her wine.

I laugh, "Minimalist luxury, eh?"

Her fresh take on life makes me smile.

"Absolutely. Minimalist because you have what you need. Luxury because you have a bidet."

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