I Love You More

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*Jess's POV*
I get my girl and myself up off the bathroom floor, and I kiss her sweet face.
"Mommy's little trash panda," i chirp. This makes her smile.
"Mommy... I just... I don't want to be a burden to you. I don't want my little space to be a burden to you..." she whines.
"Pumpkin, you have never been a burden to Mommy. You are an asset. We're a family, my Lala. What Mommy couldn't deal with was not you. But feeling like I was the reason you were always hurt... that's what I couldn't live with." I kissed her face again. "I love being your mommy. And I love taking care of you. There's nothing in the world that I love more than you. There never will be. You have my heart, Layla Jean Logan. You've had it since the day you stepped foot into my office... when you had on clothes that hardly fit you... when I sat on the corner of my desk and you called me 'Mommy' for the first time... Those are just precious memories to me now. But you are my girl. My baby. My littlest angel. And i love you."
Layla smiles wide. I know it's going to take some time, but I think we're going to be okay.

* Layla's POV*
"Mommy?" I ask.
"What is it, my love?"
"Uh... your... mommy... your boobies are leaking," I laugh through some of my tears.
"Oh, you're absolutely right! Such a smart girl! Hmm... how do you propose we take care of this?" Mommy asks. She puts her finger under her chin and winks at me. And for the first time in forever, I giggle like a little girl. I take Mommy's hand and drag her to the bed.
"Awh, there's my sweet little girl. Oh, how I've missed those sweet giggles!" Mommy is just so comforting. I take her hospital gown and cardigan off, but it's not fast enough. Drinking Mommy milk from a bottle isn't the same... when I finally have Mommy in nothing but her panties, I climb up in the bed and continue to giggle. She lays down next to me and cradles me in her arms.
"Go ahead, Lala. Let Mommy nurse you."
Finally. Pure happiness for the first time in over a week. I wrap my lips around Mommy's breast and I look into her eyes. Mommy let's out a small moan, which makes me giggle.
"What's so funny, you? What's got you so giggly?" She brushes my hair back from my face. And for the first time in months... my hands wander all over her body. I fondle her other breast... caress her face, her neck... give her sweet baby kisses all over her shoulders... but she stops me.
"Woah, woah, baby girl. What're you doing? I thought—"
"Shh," I cut her off. "Just let it happen. Isn't that what you always told me?" I say as I kiss all the way down her body.
"But Layla, are you sure?"
"Yes, Mommy. Let me take care of you... please."

* Jess's POV*
My sweet little girl. She makes me feel so good. So calm. She kisses my neck, my shoulders... breathing harder and harder in my ears...
"I Mommy good girl?" she teases.
"Oh my god, yes, my girl. You are mommy's good little baby. Mmmm," I moan. Her little dainty hands travel all over my body. I don't ask for anything. I let her go at her own pace...
"Mommy good baby... mommy good baby..." she repeats. Jesus, she's too adorable.
"Oh, Layla. Mommy loves you so much, little girl! Mmm... Layla... sweet fucking girl!" I begin to get louder with every kiss. Her sweet lips go from my stomach to my thighs. She puts herself between my legs and kisses me in all the right spots.
"Mmm... such a good girl," I let out. She looks up at me with her innocent little doe eyes. "Oh...Layla!" I moan. She locks eyes with me as her tongue touches my clit. Gently, she strokes it back and forth. Softly... so softly. "What a good baby you are," I say. She places two of her little fingers inside of me and feels all around.
"Hehe," she giggles,"Mommy wet!" She continues to lick me so softly.
"Mmm... Mommy is wet, little one. So so wet for her good girl."
Layla wraps her perfect lips around me, and I let out a heavy sigh. My breathing gets harder, and her fingers go faster. I feel the hot milk trickle down my body. She continues to finger me , suckle my clit, and lick the milk off of my body.
"Oh, Layla! You're such a good girl! Yes you are! Yes you are Mommy's good girl! You feel so fucking good inside of your mommy! Oh! Oh! Oh my God!" The pressure builds, and I release. All in my little girl's mouth. She continues to look into my eyes and suckle me clean. When she finishes, she hops on my right side to nurse once again. She whines and coos and makes just the cutest little noises.
"Oh, my baby. My sweet little baby... Do you know how fucking sweet you are?" I ask. "Do you know how much Mommy loves you? Mommy loves you more than the sky. She loves you more than the grass, and the sun , and all of the stars in the galaxy."
Layla giggles and squeaks. She stops nursing for a moment.
"And I love you more, Mommy. Infinitely more"

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