The Search is Now

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* Layla's POV *
Seriously... is this how death is? I mean, not to be disrespectful to the dead or anything. But this kinda sucks. I don't feel anything... not too much, anyway. Is this what they mean when they say that they'd rather feel pain than nothing at all?
What about Mommy? I love her so much... this...this isn't fair! I don't want to die! Not yet... I'm only 20. I wanted to get married. Spend my life with Jessica. Maybe get a cat or two.. write a book, make an album. This... I just... no, I can't be dead! There's no warm light. I'm not a bad person. This can't be Hell. I was always good. I mean... there was that time I stole a pencil in the 2nd grade... but that's not worth eternal damnation!

Wait... what? I... I'm not dead! I'm just... dizzy. Dizzy as fuck and... tied up?!
"Hello?? Hello?! Help! Help me!! Mommy, where are you??" I feel hot tears go down my cheeks. My hands and feet are tied down and spread apart. They're so sore. It's dark. I can't see anything... and then I see a light again. A man with tanned skin turns the light on, and I see that I'm... in a crib?! The man walks over to me... and smiles.
"Hello, Layla," he whispers. He begins to caress my hair. I jerk back.
"Who are you? Where is Jess? I'm scared!" I look down and see that I am naked except for a diaper. "Where am I???" My head feels so fuzzy , and I feel nauseous. I guess my face turns a bit green, because the man holds out a bowl in front of me , and I puke in it instantly.
"Awh, poor baby. Does her not feel good?" the man asks in a condescending way. "Do you want Daddy to hold you??" I throw up again at that comment.
"Daddy?! What the fuck?!" I continue throwing up and sobbing.
"Yes, sweetheart. I'm your new Daddy. Not to worry, my pet. Daddy is going to take such good care of you!" The man brushes my hair back again, and I scowl.
"No! No you're not! Where's Mommy?!" My head feels so dizzy... I'm so thirsty and my tummy is hurting so much.
"Aw, so confused. Tsk..tsk... let's lay you down and get you a bottle. You must be parched"
I was rather thirsty. And I was in no position to fight back. Honestly, I couldn't even move my legs. And I didn't like it...
"W-why can't I move my legs?" I ask.
"Oh... you put up an awful fight when you first arrived earlier this evening. I had to give you some medicine to calm you down... you slept an awful long time, kitten!" The man spoke as he un-spread my arms and legs. I realized I was chained up ... and yes, in a crib at that. He forces a baby bottle of water down my throat. I am too weak to fight it, and I needed the water. He laid me down and chained my arms back to the bars of the crib side by side. I was still so cold...
"Excuse me," I said when I finished my bottle.
"Uh uh. No, young lady. Babies aren't supposed to talk this much. And I will only answer to Daddy" I was getting angry.
The man slapped me across my face and I winced.
"Brats don't get what they want! You can forget about Jessica! She didn't want you. You were far too much for her, which is why she PAID ME to take you away! THIS is your home now! And I am your Daddy! I'm going to cure you of your disgusting lesbian ways, and you won't even remember Jessica! You got it, princess?! I run this fucking place. You are MINE!"
He slams the door and leaves me in the dark again. All I can do is lie there... Legs paralyzed and arms chained up. I cannot help but cry and cry. Why was he so mean??? Who was he??? I want my Mommy. She wouldn't get rid of me ever!!! Why would she have taken me on this trip?? ... unless... she did it to get rid of me. No, Layla. Jessica loves you. She wouldn't do this.... Right??

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