Part 6: we need you to come to

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Minho's POV:

"Alby, we need a new runner and she can do it" I said following the leader into the meeting room in the homestead.
"I know. Gather the keepers and Y/N for a meeting" Alby replied.

It had been two days since Ben and we were struggling without another runner and it was getting more dangerous for just me and Thomas in the Glade.
When Y/N first came to the glade she ran for a bit, but as more people came into the glade there became more runners. People kept getting injured and as Y/N didn't especially like running she became the medjack and has stayed there since. But now we need her.



I was sitting in the medhut organising bandages (as its the only thing to do) when Mihno walked in.
"Y/N" he said "We're having a meeting".
I looked up at him and nodded "ok" I said before looking back to my bandages.
"No, Y/N" mihno smiled "we need you to come to".
"Oh" I said standing up nervously. Mihno put his arm around my shoulder as we walked towards the meeting room.

I had no idea why I was needed for this meeting, even though I was the only person working in the medhut I wasn't really the keeper. Something had to be bad.

Mihno and I walked into the meeting room. Alby, Frypan, Newt, Winston, Gally and strangely Thomas were all already in their. I sat down on the edge of the bench with everyone looking at me confused.

"Ok" Alby started "this meeting was called because another runner is needed and Y/N is our only option" he added and everyone  looked at me.

"But... I haven't run in ages" I said.
"We know that, and you don't have to run if you don't want to but we think it would be a good idea" Mihno said walking towards me. "Do you want to be a runner Y/N?" Mihno asked.
I looked at his soft face waiting for my response. I shifted my attention to Alby who was looking at me patiently. I was scared to go into the maze but Mihno is my best friend and he wouldn't let me get hurt.
"I think so" I nodded at them both.

"Hold on, this is not a good idea!" Gally said standing up from his seat.
"I agree" Newt said "the maze is very dangerous and we cant afford to lose Y/N, especially if more people are coming out hurt".

"But she has been there before and is qualified to run" Thomas said smiling at me. I looked up at Gally whose face had turned bright red and his fist were clenched.

"No! This isn't a good idea. She shouldn't go into the maze!" Gally said moving closer to Alby.
"Well its not really your decision is it" Thomas said.

Everyone broke out into an argument. I watched Gally and Thomas arguing knowing if they continued things wouldn't turn out well. I made my way over to Alby. "Alby, I'm happy to run and most people are on board, maybe we should just have a vote" I suggested.
He nodded "Shut up everyone! Lets have a vote" he said once the room was quiet.
"All in favour of Y/N going into the maze rase your hand".

I watched as Alby, Mihno, Thomas, Frypan and Winston (and me too) all raised their hands, which just left Newt and Gally.
"That settles it, tomorrow Y/N will start as an official runner" Alby said as everyone left the room.

Gally's POV

I can't believe Y/N's going to be a runner. Its the most dangerous job in the glade and I don't want her getting hurt, I can't lose her.

I walked back into the medhut where Y/N was.
"Hey Gally" she smiled at me.
"You can't do this" I said "its to dangerous".
"I'm going to be fine Gally Mihno is going to be there and Thomas, plus I've run before" she said looking up at me.
"I don't care Y/N I'm worried about you. What if you get hurt?" I said sitting down on the bed next to her.
"It'll be fine Gally, I promise" she said before leaning in and kissing me gently.

Y/N spent the rest of the day with Mihno and Thomas, I guess they had to do some sort of training before she could run in the maze tomorrow. I was extremely frightened for her so I tried not to think about it.



It was the next day and I was about to go into the maze. I was starting to feel quite nervous even though Mihno was going to be with me the whole time I couldn't help but realise how much more dangerous the maze had become since I last went in. Ben had been stung and who knows what was going to happen today. I tried to push the bad thoughts to the back of my mind and only think about running.

I sat with Mihno and Thomas at breakfast so we could talk about what was going to happen today.

Before we left I went into the medhut just to pack some bandages incase but Gally interrupted me.
"Y/N please don't go" he said walking over to me.
"Gally I have to. I told you, everything's going to be fine" I said wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him. He wrapped his arms around my head squishing it making me giggle.
"Just be safe OK" he whispered.
"I will" I promised him.

Gally's POV

Alby came over to me as he saw me watching the maze gates. "You have a real soft spot for her don't you Gally" he said smiling at me. I didn't know what yo say as I had more than just a soft spot for her so I just nodded shyly. Alby let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head before strutting away.


I had watched Y/N go into the maze hours ago and she still wasn't back yet. It wasn't that late but there was only a couple of hours before the doors shut and I was very nervous that she wasn't back yet.

Suddenly, I heard a shriek from inside the maze walls. I looked around the glade and everyone else had seemed to here it to. I stopped and listened but couldn't here anything else.

"Everyone get back to work, I'm sure everything's fine" Alby called out to all the gladers.


It was now only minutes before the doors were supposed to close but no one had come out yet.
We were all waiting impatiently by the doors hoping they'd be out soon.

Within ten seconds we saw Thomas running out alone.
"What's going on?" Newt questioned Thomas when he made it into the glade "where are Y/N and Mihno?"
"I thought they were here, are they not back yet?" Thomas asked panting for breath.

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