*Part 2: I didn't quite get that Y/N

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It was a sunny day, which tended to be uncommon in the glade, however the last few weeks had been bright and warm like today. I was sitting with Mihno soaking up the sun before he had to go running. It was early morning and I was finishing the remainders of an apple while he spoke to me.

"You seem different" Mihno said suddenly changing the conversation.
"Erm, I don't know how to answer that one Mihno" I replied, throwing my apple core in the bin, "sorry, I guess" I gave him a question look.
"No, it's not a bad thing. You seem alot happier. I was just wondering why" he said smiling at me.
"Well..." I thought for a second, "I guess it's just the whether. I always feel a bit better when the suns out" I said.
"Oh yea, me two actually" Mihno said.

The truth was, Gally had made me feel better. I had been happier because Gally made me happier. I felt I had a purpose. I loved seeing his smiling face when he saw me. He made me smile back.

"Anyway, I got to go Y/N" Mihno said standing up and brushing the dust of his trousers.
"Ok see you, be safe" I said watching him turn around and give a small wave and a smile before running with the other runners towards the glade.
I watched him walk away before heading of to the medhut.

I hadn't seen Gally yet that morning but that was nothing of concern. If he was staying the night with me he would try to wake up early and go back to the homestead so the gladers wouldn't notice. I tended to wake up early to spend time with Mihno as he had to leave early.
It used to be tough having Mihno as a friend in the glade. Don't get me wrong, I love Mihno to death but as keeper of the runners I don't often get to see him and I would spend me days constantly worrying of he would make it back. However, Gally provides me with a destraction, which I love. I still watch and wait for Mihno everyday, but Gally takes the worry away and before I know it, Mihno is back in the glade safe and sound.


A few hours had passed and I was at work sorting things. One of the other builders had built me a new cupboard to keep supplys in. It was incredibly generous of him as I was constantly having to rearrange the bandages and medical supply's just to make it all fit. This new cupboard fit everything perfectly with campartment for everything and easy access for me.

However, Gally detested this whole gesture and had tried many times to take down, break or 'fix' the cupboard. At first it was funny and I thought he was joking but now it was getting really aggravating. I would threaten to throw him in the pit everytime he touched it and he constantly bothered me about it. Much to my annoyance today was one of those days.

"Hey Y/N" Gally walked into the medhut and gave a quick scan before lightly kissing my cheek.
"Hi Gally, what can I do for you?" I smiled. He looked around the room again, no one was there, before locking his eyes on the cupboard.
"Gally. Don't you dare touch it!" I ordered.
"It's fine, I'm just going to fix it" he said walking over to the cupboard and getting out his tools.
"I mean it Gally. I love that new cupboard and I'll be really cross if you break it" I said firmly.
"I'm just making it better" he said poking at things with his screw-driver.
"Gally, stop touching the cupboard I swear if that thing breaks, I'm throwing you straight in the pit!" I said, voice rased.
"Relax" Gally said sweetly unscrewing a bolt "I'm not gonna br... "

Suddenly there was a huge crash. Wood snapped and glass shattered everywhere. Bandages and medical equipment cascaded all over the floor.

I looked up at Gally, my face bright red with anger.
"Get in the pit" I said through gritted teeth.
"No, please Y/N" Gally said softly.
But I wasn't having any of it, "Get in the pit".
"But I can fix it" he tried to explain.
"Pit. Now!" I demanded.
"Ok" he said quietly looking down.

I grabbed his forearm and pulled him across the glade towards the pits.
"Y/N, where are you taking Gally?" Newt asked trying to keep up with my pace.
"The pit" I said, still walking.
"Why?" Newt asked.
"He broke my cupboard" I said with angry tones filling my voice.
"Is the pit really necessary?" Newt questioned.
I stopped and turned to Newt "I'll throw you in too if your not careful"
He could sence the anger in my voice as he swiftly said "I'll take him" and took Gally from me.
"Good, and you can let him out at the end of the day" I said before stryding back to the medhut.

(Gally X Reader) Gally - Love, Nightmares And Tiger stripes Book 2Where stories live. Discover now