Part 7: 'What if they don't make it'

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Gally's POV

Suddenly I heard cries of pain from the maze, they were close but I couldn't see them. It was Y/N. She must have made the noise. Minho's calm voice was distant and tired. We all heard them and started calling for them trying to work out how close they were whilst encouraging them out of the maze. We heard Mihno shouting back with very faint crys from them both. Then we saw them.

Minho was looked fine, yet very tired, apart from a cloth that was tied around his left arm which looked dirty and blood soaked. But in his right side he was holding Y/N up with his hand around her waist, clutching tightly. Her arm was draped over his shoulder and she was slumped against him looking barely alive whilst she desperately limped towards us. They were both dripping with sweat and tears were streaming down Y/N's face. She had a large cut on her temple.

She looked up at me and tried a smiled. I could see she was in so much pain but I couldn't do anything till she got out the gates. "Come on Minho!" I shouted and Thomas and Newt joined in we all called to them tell they got out.

Mihno desperately pulled Y/N as she struggled closer towards the gates. The big metal gates begaan to make an all to familiar sound initiating them closing. 'What if they dont make it', a terrifying thought hit me. We all aclled out louder, desperately as the two edged closer towards the gates. We all moved as close as we could to the gate trying our best to get them back quickly. The gates were almost about to shut when Mihno finally made to to the entrance and Thomas and Alby pulled him and Y/N through, whilst the gates suddenly creeked shut behind them.

As soon as they got out Y/N collapsed onto the floor. Mihno slumped down next her clutching his arm.
"Someone go get some cloths and badages now" Alby said.

I sat down next to Y/N and put her head on my lap. "Are you OK?" I asked panicking.
Y/N nodded biting her lip to stop from crying in pain. I moved some hair out of her face and held my shirt against the gash on her head until we could get a cloth.
I knew she shouldn't have gone in the maze.


TW mentions blood

"Are you OK?" Gally asked panicking.
I nodded biting my lip to stop from crying in pain. He moved some hair out of my face and held my hand in his.

My head was throbing. Sweat, blood and tears were dripping down my face but I had to keep calm for Gally. Gally pulled out a cloth and held it to my head to try and stop the bleeding.
"What happened" Newt said confused and panicked. I couldn't answer, I couldn't move.
"Can you stand up?" Gally asked not sure what to do. I didn't answer so him and Newt both out held under my arms and hoisted me onto my feet.
"Agh!" I screamed "My ancle!" more tears ran down my face. I was in agony.
"Gally! Thomas! Go with Minho and find out what happened" Albi ordered.
"But Alby"
"Go Gally!"
"But I can help Y/N"
"Gally go with Thomas and Minho! Don't make me put you in the pit go!"
Gally reluctantly left with Thomas.
"Agh!" I screamed again.
"Newt get her to the medhut" one of the Alby said. Newt fireman carried me to the medhut. He held me so close to his chest I could hear his heart racing. I knew he was sacred for me.
"Put her down on that bed" Alby said. Gally was already the sat on the bed next to me with Minho but they stood up when I came in.

"Everyone else go back to work!" Alby shouted and led everyone out. Gally, Thomas Newt, Minho and Alby were left in the hut. One of them took of my shoe whilst Newt looked at my head. Gally secretly held my hand, "it's gonna be OK". He didn't let go the whole time.

(Gally X Reader) Gally - Love, Nightmares And Tiger stripes Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora