Part 3: How dare he!

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Gally's POV

Y/N and I walked back to the homestead together. I kissed her goodbye outside her door and she smiled up at me. I wanted to stay but some of the builders had noticed that I hadn't been in my bed and I didn't want them to get anymore suspicious.

I carefully tiptoed to my hammock next to Chuck's and quietly got in. I looked over at Chuck to see if he was OK before falling asleep.


I walked over to Y/N's hut after I had done some of my morning jobs. I was a little worried as I hadn't seen her all morning. I heard a strange noise as I aproiched her door. It was open a crack so I peeped inside.

Y/N and Thomas were together inside. He had his hands around her waist and hers were on his face. There lips were pushed together as they passionately kissed each other. Thomas moved his hand down to Y/N's butt, he squeezed it making her gasp in pleasure. She moved her hands and started unbuttoning his shirt and he did the same to her. Y/N threw Thomas's shirt somewhere into the room and he did the same. Thomas unbuckled Y/N's belt and slid of her trousers leaving her in just her bra and underwear. He pushed her onto the hammock sucking down her keck earning approving groans from her. He kissed his way down her stomach to her thighs.
"Stop teasing Tommy, I want you now. Please Tommy" Y/N panted.
"Be patient princess, I'm gonna make you fell so good" he smirked up at her.

I moved my head away from the gap in the door but still I managed to here Y/N say "Oh shuck Tommy, just like that. Oh God. Oh. Oh.... I'm gonna..C... "

That shucking dickhead!


I woke up fueled with anger. How dare he! I know it was a dream but how shucking dare he!

I jumped out of my hammock and strided over to his. I was so mad I had lost all sense of rational thinking. When I reached his hammock I pushed him out of it making him land on the floor with a thud.
"What the hell Gally!" Thomas shouted at me standing up.
"Who the hell do you think you are?!" I yelled stepping towards him and pushing him back by the shoulders.

It was early morning and the rest of the boys had been woken up by mine and Thomas's fight.

"Get off me man!" Thomas said pushing me back.
"You son of a bitch!" I launched myself at him, clenching my fists and punching him straight in the jaw. Thomas toppled backwards but regained his balance clutching his now bruised jaw. He then shoved me into the wall hitting my forehead against it.

"Hey guys, knock it off!" Newt said but keeping his distance. I turned Thomas around and slammed him into the wall pinning him there with my hands around his throat.
"Gally stop!" Winston said. But I didn't listen, I was pissed off. Thomas reached out and punched me again in the nose but I only continued to hold him harder ignoring the pain.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Alby shouted pulling me off Thomas by the neck of my shirt. Minho proceeded to hold Thomas back. Minho made Thomas sit down in his hammock before coming over to help Alby hold me back as I was struggling in his grip.
"Let's go, to the pit" Alby said to  Minho as the pulled me away. "And someone get Y/N" he called before walking me to the pit.

Blood was running down my face. Neither of them spoke to until we reached the pit.
"Y/N will check on you in a bit" Alby said while Minho locked the door.


"Y/N wake up, there's been a fight!" Newt woke me.
"Was anyone hurt?" I asked still a bit hazy from sleeping.
"Not seriously, but they still need to see you" he replied.
"Who was it?" I asked.
"Thomas and Gally"
I sat up at Gally name, "Ok, give me a second to get ready" I said, Newt nodded and walked out the door.

I wriggled into my clothes and walked into the homestead. All the boys were gathered around Thomas who was holding his jaw tightly.
"Where's Gally?" I asked Newt.
"The pit, he needs seeing to, he's bleeding" Newt replied.
"What happened?" I asked Thomas.
"I don't know. I was a sleep and then Gally through me out of my hammock and then launched himself at me" he said while I briefly looked at his injuries.
"Ok, you better come to the medhut" I said and he and Newt followed me.

"Take this to Gally" I said handing Newt a damp cloth. He did as I asked. Thomas had escaped pretty well, he had a scratch on his neck and his jaw was hurt but he could still talk.

"I'll clean up the scratch on your neck and get you some ice for your jaw. It's probably gonna be quite bruised but it's not broken which is great" I said dabbing a cloth across the scratch. I handed him an ice pack and he smiled at me.

Newt walked back in the door.
"You should be good to go now but wait in the homestead for a bit just incase there's something I missed, Newt can you wait with him" I said smiling at the two of them. Newt nodded.
"I'll go check on Gally but call me of something happens" I said walking towards the door.
"Thanks" Thomas called after me.


I walked out the medhut towards the pits with some bandages and cloths for Gally.
"Do you need someone to go with you to Gally?" Minho said walking with me.
"Don't worry, he has only hurt Thomas so I should be fine" I replied.
"Ok, let me know if you need me though" he said patting my shoulder.
"I will. Thanks Minho" I smiled before walking to the pit alone.

To be honest, I was quite upset by Gally's actions. I know he didn't like Thomas but why on earth would he hurt him out of the blue. He broke one of the most important glade rules for no reason!

I reached the pit and sat down outside it letting out a loud and disappointed sigh.

"I'm sorry" Gally said sheepishly. I had my head in my hands not looking at him.
"I'm not the one you should be saying that to" I looked up at him. His shirt was covered in blood and he was holding the cloth that Newt gave him to his nose, he also had a cut on his forehead.
"I know, but I let you down" Gally said timidly. I ignored him.
"I'm sorry Y/N" he carried on.
"I don't want to hear it Gally" I sighed untying the pit door. He gently pushed the door open and hopped out.
"I'll check you in the medhut" I said looking away from him and walking back towards the building.

I made sure to walk infront of Gally. Minho gave me a look that said 'are you gonna be ok' and I smiled and nodded back.

We walked in and Gally sat on one of the beds. He was still holding the cloth to his nose. I proceeded to remove that dirty cloth from his face and gently brought a new one to his nose.
"Tilt your head back" I said to him as I washed the remaining blood from his nose.
"Ah!" He gasped in pain pulling away. I looked into his eyes, he looked sad. I got some ice for him and told him to hold it on his nose, while a clean and dressed his head.

"That's going bruised for a while" I said moving the ice of his nose "and painful to" I finished putting the ice back on. Gally groaned as I reapplied the pressure.
"You should of thought about that before you start to randomly beat up Thomas" I added.
"It wasn't random" he said watching me hold the ice in place.
"Then why did you attack Thomas?" I asked.
He sighed "I had a dream you two were having sex". He looked up at me.
"It's the same dream I had when I through you in the pit that day, and I know it was a dream but it seemed so real and I before I knew it I was fighting him" he continued "I'm really sorry".
I thought for a second, "Ok, I forgive you. But I'm not the one you need to apologise to".

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