Part 8: 'Serious'

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Gally's POV

"So what actually happened Minho?" Newt asked and everyone looked at Minho.
"We were running together as we had planned to do", Minho started. "Y/N saw something down one of the the passages. She told me she was going to see what it was. It looked dangerous so I went first to make sure it was OK. She stayed quite close behind but there was broken rocks and rubble on the floor so I told her to wait so she would be safe. I kept walking further down the passage and then something sharp cut my arm, the wall was closer to me then I thought. Y/N ran over to me, she could see I was hurt I told her to stay there but she wouldn't. Anyway, she came over to me and put a cloth around my arm then we started to leave the passage but she lost her grip and fell. That was the scream you heard, it was her. She hit her head on a rock and twisted her ancle I helped Al the way back. I wasn't sure..." Minho sighed "I wasn't sure we were gonna make it out. She couldn't walk."


"We are hoping she's gonna be OK Gally" Alby said. He made us all wait outside because it was to crowded in the medhut.
"From what we can tell she has sprained her ancle badly but her head ingury is very serious. She is unconscious now. You can see her in a little while Gally".

Panick washed over me. The word 'serious' ringing in my ear. She was unconscious, that's really bad, whats gonna happen to her.

I can't imagine losing Y/N. What would I do.
We talked some more until the sun started to set. I couldn't listen to what the boys were saying, I just wanted to see Y/N. I wanted to know how she was. I just wanted to see her.
"Alby" I whispered leaning over to him so none of the other boys heard us, "Can I see Y/N now"
"Yes" Alby did his smile then I got up and went to the medhut.

I opened the door to the medhut and I saw Y/N asleep in one of the beds. I watched her for a second before moving closer to her, she looked so peaceful. I stood over her for a while just watching her sleep. I sat down on the bed next to her and picked up her hand to hold. Her ancle had been bandaged up, it looked a little swollen. Her head been plastered back together and her face looked cleaner. I kissed her on the forehead (not where her injury was) and moved some hair way from her face. I sat down on an other bed next her and picked up her hand to hold.
"We're hoping it will heal over time but she will always have that scar on her head" Mihno said standing in the doorway. I sat down on an other bed next her and picked up her hand to hold. Mihno came and sat down next to me and looked at Y/N.

"You like her don't you?" Mihno asked me looking over at me, I kept my eyes fixed on Y/N.
"Course I do" I replied, "She's a good friend".
"No I mean love her" he said.
"Sure I love her, she is a good friend" I looked at the ground.
"Gally, you know what I meant" he said nudging me.
I stayed quiet. Then I looked back at Y/N and smiled.
"Yes I... love Y/N" I said quietly. "I have liked her for a while. I remeber when i first talked to her properly, it was after she had been a runner. I had cut myself on a piece of wood so i went to the medhut. She smiled at me, i alsways love her smile, and she bandaged up my hand. She was just so sweet i liked her immediately". I said looking back at Mihno who was smiling at me. "She loves you too", he said.
"How do you know that" I ask him confused.
"Gally, i have neve seen Y/N so happy for as long as i can remember. And thats all your doing" he patted my arm.
"Yea well ive scrued everything up now" I said standing up.
"How" Mihno's eyes followed me.
"What if she doesn't wake up?!" I ran my hand through my hair looking back at Y/N's limp body.
"She was awake before Gally, im sure shes just resting" mihno said calmly.
"Alby said her head ingury was serious. Shes the only medjack and bo one can treat her. She might never get better" I tear rolled down my cheek as I paced back and fourth across the room, "I can't live without her Mihno, i cant do it" I sat back down next to him and he put his arm on my shoulder.
"I know Gally, but shell be ok" he said looking sadly over at Y/N.

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