Chapter 21

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He didn't question Derek's call to go outside, that Sophia was back there surrounded by another pack. This is straight out of Dark Springs' playbook.

Seeing her on her back restrained and gagged with another male grabbing her bare knees, well, Aiden would not survive the night. No one who does that to her should.

"What is the meaning of this?" Slurred speech revealed his lower teeth were growing as well.

Her little roll-over maneuver to the wall got her out of the way and let him inspect her. She was not injured, but she was still restrained and uncomfortable.

"I saw an opportunity to continue my lineage and took it."

Aiden, second in line to be alpha behind an older brother, of Dark Springs, should not be concerned about lineage. No challenge had been issued for her. Get Sophia comfortable and free before she's pinned to the wall with a battle next to her.

Goddess, she seemed so small but amazingly steady down there. Light in his hands, she was lifted and placed on her feet. Standing firm, her eyes made contact with his.

Silver locked around her wrists explains the lack of a mindlink between them and increases her vulnerability. Without magic, she's as helpless as a human. Get her to safety with Liam or Derek.

Carefully, he reached up to the duct tape over her mouth. Trading dexterity for sheer brute, his claws were slow when peeling back a corner of silver. He could not injure her now. Her tolerance is low.

The explosion of magic a split second before a violent collision against his back triggered his own response. The battle started with a desperate and dishonorable move.

You will win this, you will remove her restraints, and you will take her home. Or else you will die here trying.

A foot lower than she had been a second ago, it was him who had caused that height differential. Shredded shirt and jacket clung to his mid-section and forearms, where the smallest size change occurred. Pants stayed clinging to his waist and tearing at the thighs, as usual.

Her awed expression, pinned between oversized arms and a chest, showed no fear of him and what she had just seen happen mere inches from her. Amiri was in full beast mode and had taken over their form. Sophia was not backing down from him, and he would not back down from his opponent.

Lids fluttered and hair displaced with a couple huffs before he gave up on his mission of getting her comfortable and faced his more pressing threat. The blood pouring down his back would soon stop. It was a novice's wound from an unskilled lycan. Aiden had not been trusted enough to be adequately trained, for obvious reasons, it would appear. He had probably only fought wolves.

Regardless of a challenge being formally called or not, they were beyond such etiquette. Neither lycan would be able to talk. Their mouths were incapable of forming structured language, and being in different packs left them limited to grunting and growling.

Forcing himself to turn his back on her and face the wannabe kidnapper, he pivoted to find Aiden ready to charge again.


The first pop she felt was Aiden's change, followed by a lunge forward and then the nearly instantaneous pop of Dominic transforming. A surge of power emanated from him as bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons, skin, and hair all morphed and set into the most magnificent creature she had seen. Iridescent yellow eyes hooded by dark skin steadied her. Black hair encroached towards the center of his face, now elongated into more snout and less nose. A complete set of canine teeth formed the tunnel his exhales escaped from. His torso was a barricade that felt like she was alone with just him, blocking all sights and sounds of anyone else there.

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