A forced goodbye

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Johns POV-

I planned to meet up with Sam today because of the call I got last night. I don't want to but I have to keep my family safe and I can't think of any other option.
It was almost three and I had to be there at four in the afternoon.
My mind was racing with thoughts. Maybe I will call the police in advance, maybe I should just tell Katy what's going on and get them to a safe place. Yeah. That's what I'll do I'm not helpless yet.
I'll go tell her right now.
I got up from my office chair and started making my way towards the living room where they were.
Katy was on the phone with someone and Olivia was asleep in her lap. A cartoon was playing on the tv but Katy changed it to the news.
I walked in and sat down next to her and smiled.
"Hey Shannon, I got to go....ok...yes....I love you too..bye" she hung up and put her phone away.
"Hey" she said in a quiet voice so she didn't wake Olivia.
"Hi cutie" I said taking her hand in mine.
"Do you have plans later?" Se asked looking at me for an answer.
I sighed.
"Actually, I have to be at my studio at four today. And I really need to talk to you. It's really important."
"Oh" she said looking sad.
"So you know Sam and-"
Ding Dong-
The doorbell noise rang throughout the house.
A startled Olivia woke up.
Me and katy both looked at each other.
I was about to get up to go get it when Olivia crawled onto me and nuzzled into my neck.
Katy got up and went to the door.
"Hi, is John here?"
Hearing my name I got up and walked over to the door.
Sam was standing in the doorway in a all black suit and tie.
"What are you doing here?" I asked in a quiet voice from trying to not awake Olivia who I was holding.
"We have a meeting right?" He said smiling but sternly.

Katy turned to me and gave me that what the fuck is he doing here look.
I frowned and shrugged my shoulders and tried to close the door on him but he stuck his foot In between the door and it bounced back.
"John." he said monotonely.
Olivia stirred and I gave her to katy who was next to me.
"Go put her upstairs, she's really tired." I said hoping katy would take her and go.
She did and walked up stairs with Olivia's legs wrapped around her torso like a monkey.
I looked back at the door to a frowning Sam.
"Did you really just try to close the door on me like that?" He said now leaning against the door frame and putting his other hand on his hip.
"Nope". I said.
"Hmm, it looked like it john."
I cleared my throat.
"You know I've always admired your wife, but wow your daughter is just cute too huh?" He said grinning and flashing his gun he had in his jacket next to his pants like a gangster.

"It would be ashamed if something happened to them and it ended up being your fault? Huh?"

"Yes of corse that would be terrible. I would rather die myself than lose them, because a life without them is not worth living." I said trying to sound strong.

"Then it looks like you better come with me right now, we need you."

I looked at him trying to find somewhere on his face a sign like maybe this is a prank.

"Go tell your wife you have an appointment with your studio and I as your manager am taking you. If you tell her anything john this will be done. You will be done along with your family. Especially that cute little girl. If you call the cops she will be dead I guarantee it.
Now tell katy your leaving and let's go."

I stood in silence again. I'm ruining my family. It's me actually not even Sam.

I walked back inside an went upstairs to find katy.

She was in Olivia's room putting away her clothes.
Olivia was asleep in her bed.
"John, why is he here? I don't like that man, he's dangerous. His whole vibe is bad, you shouldn't be hanging out with him.."

"Katy?" I said grabbing her shoulders and pulling her into a hug.
She hugged me back and I just stood there thinking wow, these hugs are the best.

"I have to go with him to a- studio meeting thing." I said seeing the sadness in her eyes.

"But why?"

"I can't say babe, I need to keep this family safe. There's some stuff I have to do to make sure we are" I whispered in her ears.

"When will you be back?"

"I don't know, but I need you to to tell Olivia I love her and I love you. You all are my world and I would be nothing without you."
The car horn honked, it was obviously Sam.
"I love you."

"I love you"

And I left them, I left my family with nothing but the clothes I was wearing.

Hey thanks for reading I hoped you liked it.
Just letting you all know this story will be ending soon in a couple chapters! It's been a fantastic journey with this story though!
If I get at least 25 votes on this chapter, the next chapter I will put in the teaser for the next story which is a continuation of this family but a completely different story that will be something very different than anything else but still awesome. I'm exited. I hope you are too.

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