=+= Art Tutorial! =+=

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This is a step by step, captioned photo art tutorial! Hope you enjoy, and hope this helps!

1) Start with a single circle, add a smaller one at the bottom middle right or bottom middle left

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1) Start with a single circle, add a smaller one at the bottom middle right or bottom middle left.

1) Start with a single circle, add a smaller one at the bottom middle right or bottom middle left

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2) Define the shape. The larger circle will be the head, and the smaller circle will be the muzzle of your cat.

 The larger circle will be the head, and the smaller circle will be the muzzle of your cat

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3) Add amount of head fluff to your desire!

4) Add ears! Try not to make it to be a pointy, perfect triangle

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4) Add ears! Try not to make it to be a pointy, perfect triangle. The ear shape changes as the animal moves.

5) Add the inside of the ears and some more fur! Also add in the "skeleton" of the eyes

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5) Add the inside of the ears and some more fur! Also add in the "skeleton" of the eyes. I draw them like very rounded triangles.

6) Add the nose, mouth, and eye details! Eyelashes for females, and just thicker lines for males

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6) Add the nose, mouth, and eye details! Eyelashes for females, and just thicker lines for males.

7) This might be a bit faster! Use very rounded shapes for the body, to prevent stiffness in your art

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7) This might be a bit faster! Use very rounded shapes for the body, to prevent stiffness in your art. The muscles for the haunches and shoulders are going to be like either rounded triangles, or stretched egg shapes. Please don't worry if your cat looks like a plucked chicken, it will change very soon. Trust the process!

8) Now it looks even more like a chicken

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8) Now it looks even more like a chicken. But, for this step, you'll be laying down the joints and bones of your cat. Use lines to indicate the "bone", and circles to indicate "joints". These will be erased later, but having these here assist the creation of the legs itself.

9) Almost like "connect the dots", draw lines on the outside, following the "bone" line to each joint

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9) Almost like "connect the dots", draw lines on the outside, following the "bone" line to each joint. End each leg with a paw!

10) Erase the "bone" and "joint" lines, giving you a much cleaner look

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10) Erase the "bone" and "joint" lines, giving you a much cleaner look.

11) Last but not least, the very fun part! Add fur and fluff to your desire, as well as a tail!

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11) Last but not least, the very fun part! Add fur and fluff to your desire, as well as a tail!

Congratulations on finishing the tutorial, and creating your very own cat drawing! Hope this helps you in some way. If you don't understand something, please do ask me any question so I can explain in a different way. If you get frustrated, please know that there's always next time. Take a break, do the things you love, hang out with ones you love. Having a clear and calm mindset always helps with any sort of task. Take on the challenge with a smile.

- With love, moosh_moosh12

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