𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊 🥀

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"What the fuck?! You mean you were under attack?!" Namjoon's voice booms, his eyes blazing with fury as he confronts Celina, Jin resting in one of the rooms in her home.

"Okay you need to relax. It's that bloody witch Fiona, okay? We had no idea she was gonna attack us, much less at Jin's bar," Celina explains, trying to calm Namjoon down amidst the chaos.

"Fuck this! Now the one I love is at risk," Namjoon curses, his frustration evident as he heads towards the room where Jin is resting, sighing heavily at his state.

Jin is asleep due to the herbs Celina gave him, a temporary relief from the pain.

"He's gonna be fine , I treated the wounds so it won't get infected," Celina assures Namjoon, but she watches with concern as he storms off, his determination clear.

"Where are you going?!" Celina yells after him, but Namjoon is already heading out the front door.

"I'm going to see the bastard behind this," he declares firmly, leaving Celina confused and worried.

With a defeated sigh, she returns to complete the spells she's been crafting for Taehyung's protection.


Levi sat behind his desk, immersed in his paperwork, the tranquility of his office shattered by the sudden crash of the door swinging open.

"What the hell- did they not teach you how to knock?" Levi's protest is cut short by a brutal blow to his jaw, sending a wave of pain coursing through him.

"You enjoy that?" Namjoon's voice is laced with contempt as he advances towards Levi, his fist still clenched tightly.

Levi winces, holding his stinging cheek, as Namjoon continues his assault, raining down blows upon him.

Each strike lands with force, causing Levi to struggle in vain to defend himself.

In a swift motion, Namjoon seizes Levi by the collar, hoisting him up and slamming him onto the desk with a sickening thud.

The impact leaves Levi gasping for air, agony coursing through his body as he clutches his bruised sides.

"It's over for you - I've had my fill of your bullying, and now you dare to target those I care about," Namjoon's voice is filled with righteous fury, his eyes ablaze with anger.

Levi manages a dark chuckle, despite the pain wracking his body, as he sits up defiantly.

"You're a fool! You know I could obliterate you with a mere thought."

"Go ahead! "

" try it , cause I've reached my limit. But mark my words! "

" lay another finger on my loved ones, and you'll suffer the same fate," Namjoon's voice drips with menace as he storms out of the office, leaving Levi nursing his wounds in his wake.

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