𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖑 🥀

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Taehyung could feel himself sinking into the soft satin sheets, a comfort that should soothe him but instead feels like an entrapment, as though he's being absorbed into the very fabric of his bed.

He lies there, unmoving, eyes fixed on the sky outside the window, the bright sun blinding his vision.

He remains in that position, lost in his thoughts, until a figure blocks the sunlight, casting a shadow over him. Even with their back turned, Taehyung recognizes the silhouette instantly—it's Jungkook.

His lips twitch into a short smile, a silent greeting he struggles to voice. But the words falter, caught in his throat, as he remembers the coldness and distance Jungkook has shown him in the past two days.

The realization stings, a sharp pain in his heart.

Taehyung can't comprehend how something that was supposed to be a source of joy, even if it began without joy, has turned into a nightmare, a burden that weighs heavily on his new family.

He shrinks back in fear, expecting Jungkook to unleash his anger once more, to berate him with disgust and shame. In that moment, Taehyung feels anything but beautiful; he feels ugly, unworthy of Jungkook's affection.

So they stay in silence, Jungkook facing the window and Taehyung lying on the bed, eyes downcast in shame, tears threatening to spill.

Jungkook, meanwhile, battles with his inner turmoil, grappling with how to confront Taehyung.

He knows he mishandled the situation, that his approach was all wrong. Over the past two years, they've built a bond founded on love, shared experiences, and moments of pure connection.

For Jungkook, love is the sensation that courses through his veins at the lightest touch from Taehyung, the sound of his laughter echoing in his mind during the darkest days.

It's the warmth of Taehyung's skin against his, the curve of his body fitting perfectly against his own.

Most of all, it's the way Taehyung's presence can render him speechless, his entire being consumed by the beauty of those hazel-blue eyes, the softness of his lips, and the warmth of his smile.

Lost in these thoughts, Jungkook realizes just how deeply he's fallen for Taehyung, and how fortunate he feels to have him in his life.

Lost in his own world, Jungkook wears a sheepish smile, blushing internally like a teenager. But as he turns and locks eyes with Taehyung, his smile fades, replaced by a solemn gaze.

They stare at each other, unable to process anything, until the door bursts open, and Jimin, accompanied by the others, rushes into the room.

"I think that's enough time , I need to check on him," Celina says urgently, rushing toward Taehyung, whose eyes widen at her presence.

"Celina?" Taehyung barely manages to voice out above a whisper, feeling weak.

Celina's eyes hold pain for her dear friend as she kneels by his bed, threading her hands through his hair, massaging his scalp, bringing relief to his previously aching head.

"There - there, love ,  Who did this to you?" Celina asks, her face full of pity, her gaze shifting to Jungkook, giving him a hot-cold glare.

"I need to read him , Something doesn't seem right," she says, pressing her thumbs on both sides of his head, but gasps when she feels a painful shock pass through her.

"No way!" She whispers.

"What is it , What's wrong?" Jimin asks, the rest of them already seated on some couches in Taehyung's room.

"Someone or something is blocking me from getting to him," Celina says, everyone else giving her confused looks.

"I can't read him , There's a dark spell preventing me from getting into his head," she adds, getting up.

Jungkook strides toward where Taehyung lies, sitting close to him on the bed, running his palm on his cheeks and then toward his forehead.

"He's burning up," Jungkook says, his eyes fixed on Taehyung, who is drifting off to sleep.

"We need to break the spell , So I can get into his head and then know what's wrong," Celina insists.

"How do we do that?" Yoongi asks.

"Well, it seems like the witch behind this is very powerful , Like Namjoon told me earlier , So we're gonna need divine power, something stronger ,  I'm not gonna be enough," she explains.

"Like what?" Jungkook asks.

"How many vampires are in the room?" Celina inquires, bringing out her spell book and other ornaments she would need.

"Uh... Just Yoongi and I," Jungkook says, tucking a now shivering Taehyung well into the warm blankets.

"Good ,  That's enough , I'm going to have to channel power from both of you ,  Hopefully, it will help me get into him."



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