𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖊 🥀

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Squinting his eyes , trying to adjust to the bright light coming into the room.

" mhmm , good morning " jin squeaks out , very much sleepy ,  cuddling more into namjoon with the sheet rumpled around them , surrounded by the hue of the sunrise , lost in deep comfort by the one he loves , except its quite unrequited.

" yeah good morning " he rasps , getting up from the bed , immediately heading to the bathroom in Jin's bedroom.

Jin sits up , poking his inner cheeks with his tongue , his brows furrows at the displeasure he feels from the attitude namjoon gave a second ago , wanting them to just stay in bed for atleast longer , like couples would , except they aren't.

After their wild love making last night. ,this is how he treats him? , of course they are just friends but couldn't he at least return the affection , jin doesn't want to admit but it makes him feel desperate , perhaps he's demanding too much , expecting too much.

Startled by the sudden touch on his bare back , as he was previously lost in thoughts standing under the shower , the water giving him chills..

" relax " jin says chuckling as namjoon turns to face him.

" its just me " he says , body now pressing against namjoon who looks at him , placing his palm on Jin's hips.

" you've got plans today?"

" yeah , loads of meetings " namjoon responds , letting his thoughts be consumed by jin's presence.

" so when am I going to see you again? " he asks , mildly peeking up at namjoon.

" jin , look " namjoon softly begins , he's not clueless to the offers and gestures , he truly appreciates jin but there's a lot holding him back , its not his emotions but more of guilt , guilt that he's yet to accept.

" shh " jin whispers against his lips , shushing him as he tears up , knowing the answer without joon speaking further.

" don't say it , don't " jin says before chasing namjoon's lips , both of their lips molding together a s they hum in satisfaction , letting their body do the talking.


In the horse-drawn carriage , the young maid, wide-eyed and filled with wonder, embarks on his first journey to the bustling market since her arrival in the city.

The rhythmic clatter of hooves against cobblestone streets provides a melodic backdrop as the carriage weaves through vibrant alleys.

The city's lively energy unfolds before him as stalls burst with colorful produce and vendors call out their wares. The scent of spices mingles with the aroma of freshly baked bread, creating a tapestry of sensory delights.

The carriage, adorned with rich fabrics, shields him from the sun, casting a warm, filtered glow on his eager face.

As the market comes alive with the vibrancy of people and goods, the young maid absorbs the sights and sounds, his anticipation growing with each passing moment.

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