𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 🥀

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In Saint Williams, the ambiance of the bar at night is both lively and soothing, blending seamlessly with the city's nocturnal charm.

As patrons step through the door, they're greeted by a warm glow emanating from dimly lit lamps and strings of twinkling fairy lights, casting a soft, inviting ambiance throughout the space.

"You're lucky ,  I don't do this on a regular basis," Celina slurs, her words weaving through the air with a hint of drunkenness, as Jin carefully pours her another drink.

The dimly lit ambiance of the bar envelops them, casting shadows that dance playfully against the walls.

As the night unfolds outside, the bar becomes a sanctuary of sorts, a place where time seems to slow down, allowing its patrons to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.

"But what?" Jin's voice cuts through the gentle hum of conversation, his tone curious as he tops off his own glass with a shot of liquor.

"I just feel the need to -  to release all this pent-up energy inside of me," Celina confesses, her voice carrying the weight of exhaustion mixed with a tinge of longing.

She lets out a weary sigh, her eyes flickering with emotions swirling in the depths of her mind.

"You know? I saw the look you gave to Jungkook , what the hell went down between both of you?" Jin's question hangs in the air, accompanied by the clinking of glasses and the distant melody of music.

"Honestly? I don't even know where to start. As much as it's been long ago, the memory is still fresh  But the hurt has healed," Celina's words waver slightly, softened by the effects of the alcohol coursing through her veins.

"Just start anywhere , Like when it started to go down , What went wrong?" Jin's voice is gentle, coaxing Celina to unravel the tangled threads of her past.

"I'm a reincarnation of my old self " Celina begins, her voice carrying a hint of sorrow, as she delves into the depths of her memories, navigating the labyrinth of emotions that still linger within her soul.

" I died decades ago jin and there's this things great witches do where they prepare an abandoned skeleton to posses after they leave their original body- "

" oh wow , that must have taken a lot of time to do-I mean -"

" i know i didn't deserve the untimely death that came , so i prepared to come back " Celina reflects, her words carrying a mix of bitterness and resignation.

The dim lights of the bar cast shadows across Celina's face, highlighting the subtle contours of her features as she speaks.

Her eyes, glazed with the effects of alcohol, flicker with a distant pain that seems to transcend the present moment.

" You have really gone through it all , i cannot imagine," Jin responds, his expression filled with genuine concern and sympathy.

He leans in slightly, his features softened by the ambient glow of the bar lights, his eyes reflecting a sense of camaraderie with Celina.

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