Before anyone else could have a chance to walk up to us I excused myself from Nino and made my way away from the crowds. They had fancy porta potties outside everywhere, but I knew the bathrooms in the house would be much better. I didn't want bump into anyone else for the night. The party was beginning to get tiresome and boring. When I exited the bathroom Mateo was waiting for me outside. Are you okay mi reina? Teo asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just met the Novikov's and Lombardi. Especially Aldo" I rolled my eyes. Teo's jaw clenched tight as he pulled me to him reaching his arm around my waist to place it perfectly on my ass. "What exactly happened Rosie?"

"Nothing, just an overly confident douche, who tugged at my hand to kiss it and said he wanted to dance with me later. Am I sensing jealousy on you Mateo Adrian De Leon?" I teased. "No one's dancing with you tonight but me." He said as he grasped me tighter. I lift my head to meet his eyes. His face smoothened out to the boyish Teo I knew and lowly replied, "Yes, I'm jealous, mi reina I'm a very selfish man who just got with the woman he's secretly wanted and loved for years, and he wants her all to himself." I couldn't help but blush at Teo's sweet words. I pulled his head down to mine and kissed him tenderly. "You're the only one for me Teo". He gave me a kiss on my forehead and took my arm in his," come mi reina, I owe you a night of dancing. "

We made our way back out to the party were Nino intercepted Mateo and I. "Mi niña I have two more families you need to meet and then you two can carry on with your dancing." My godfather ordered. Mateo didn't let go of my arm and walked with me as we made our way to meet our final guests. We approached a tall man around the same age as Nino with brown hair and blue eyes and a younger version of himself standing right next to him both men in navy blue suits and golden ties. The older man shook Nino's hand and then introduced himself to me, " I am Cillian Clarke It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Rocio, your godfather speaks very highly of you as one of his own." Cillian said. "He mentioned you are from California, if you ever need anything when you're back out there let me know and it can be arranged, my sister Tara and her husband Connor McAllen are very influential and powerful people out there."

"Thank you, Cillian, for the generous offer we'll keep it in mind" Teo thanked him. Ronan walked up as Cillian went to speak with my godfather. "A lovely pleasure meeting you Ms. Rocio". I had a feeling that he wanted to kiss my hand like a gentleman but with Teo shooting daggers at him and his arm linked tight around mine a Ronan was smart enough not to.

All of tonight's high table leaders had been very much organized with presenting their families to us and using the same cookie cutter introductions. After seeing these families interact with each other it was clear that everything said tonight was written out or thought beforehand to not start any problems. As Nino and Cillian continued their chat, a blond-haired man in his late 40's wearing a cardigan and dress pants walked up to me and Teo. He spoke in a thick accent, "Hello, Ms. Rocio. My name is Eryk Serafin. He turned around and signaled to the behind him to step forward. She was around my age with blue eyes and the same blonde hair as her father. She shyly walked up and introduced herself as Aleksandra Serafin. "I do apologize for my son Aleksander's absence he is handling some business out of the country right now" Eryk said.

Aleksandra politely smiled at me and shook my hand. She pointed out my necklace and her amazed by it calling it "deadly but pretty." I smiled brightly remembering that's along the lines of what I thought too.

Eryk began talking to Mateo leaving me and Aleksandra behind.

"So how are you getting used to this life?" she asked.

"It's been okay, having my godfather and Mateo here with me is what makes it better. Just a bit boring not having many friends." I sighed knowing I had to be cautious of what I say. She rolled her frosted blue eyes and laughed, "Same! my father always keeps me locked away like a princess in a tower. I only have my twin brother Aleksander to keep me company when he's not off running things with my father."

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