Chapter 21: Raison D'être

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Third Person POV

"You look fine, man."

"Just fine?"

"Do you want me to tell you that you look sexy or something, weirdo?"

"Do I not look sexy? I think I look sexy. Guys, do I look sexy?" (Name) asked his friends as he looked over himself in the mirror in his room.

"You don't look bad." Yasuo commented.

"Quite spiffy." Ekko stated, making (Name) wonder if he actually just used the wore 'spiffy' unironically.

"Smash." Ezreal simply said that was followed by a burp.

"You shouldn't be worrying about what we think anyway, worry about your little fox girlfriend." Rakan said while nudging his friend.

"She's not my girlfri-...huh, I guess she is now." (Name) was about to argue until he realized that Rakan wasn't wrong.

Ezreal fell off of (Name)'s bed, choking on his drink. "What?! (Name) got a girlfriend before me?! We were supposed to be hopeless together you fucking traitor!"

"Have you guys like, held hands and stuff?" Ekko queried.

"We've kissed, Ekko. You already knew that."

"You whore!" Ezreal hissed.

Meanwhile, Ekko and Yasuo both let out an impressed, "Sick."

Rakan rolled his eyes. "Okay okay, virgins, stop hounding the poor guy. He has to meet up with Ahri later. Don't give him any more grey hairs by stressing him out."

"Wait, I have grey hairs?" (Name) blinked and began to check his head.

"You'll have more than grey hairs if you keep associating yourself with these guys."

"Like what?"

"Like no date to prom, idiot."

"When does that start anyway?" Yasuo suddenly asked.

(Name) checked his watch and began to discard himself of the suit he wore, hanging it back up and placing it within the garment bag. "Couple of hours. Just wanted to make sure it actually fit me good and I didn't have to make any last minute adjustments."

The tall male hummed softly. "And if you did have to make any last minute adjustments?"

(Name) shrugged. "I was pretty good at arts and crafts, wasn't I?" He got dressed back into casual clothing until later. Didn't want to mess up his outfit and show up to prom looking stupid.

"So what are your plans until then?" Was Ekko's question.

"Got an important meeting with someone not so
important. I'd much rather join you guys on whatever you're doing today, but if I don't do this today, I never will." (Name) answered grimly.

The boys looked a little confused at his words, but then their faces took on a look of understanding.

"Good luck dude, we'll have Ekko save you some food." Ezreal said.

"I won't." Ekko said just as quickly.

"He won't, but we'll try."

(Name) chuckled softly, a rare grin overtaking his features. "No need for luck, thanks though."

Rakan snickered. "Getting a girlfriend seems to have you more confident. How cute."

Our protagonist just shrugged. "Just tired of running away from everything is all. Gotta start having a say of how my life is going someday, might as well start now."

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