Chapter 19: The Yellow Brick Road

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Third Person's POV

(Name) sat on a chair on his front porch.

Instead of keeping himself in his room and thinking about him and Aspen's conversation, he thought it'd be better to get some fresh air.

He stared at nothing in particular, just letting his mind wander.

Oh yeah, he still had to meet his unnamed sister.

And worry about prom as well.

He had a lot on his plate right now. Granted, the prom wasn't worrying him too much, as long as he had a bit of fun honestly.

"Still have to buy a suit.." He mumbled to himself.

He had no idea what proms entailed, and he wasn't counting movies or TV shows in that knowledge.

To make it worse, Summoner's Rift was a lot more classy than his old school. Back there, he was sure he'd just walk into prom with his friends and hang out, but here he had no idea.

He had multiple questions.

What color would he wear?

Would Ahri have fun?

What the fuck is a corsage?

All of this served to turn the normally confident (Name) into a swirling pit of anxiety.

Luckily for him, before he could dive deeper in a pool of insecurities, a car pulled up in the driveway of his home, his aunt's car.

"I thought she had to work today, why's she home so early?" He asked himself.

Jade got out of the front seat and looked to the house, smiling at (Name) and waving him over.

Figuring she had groceries or something like that and needed help bringing them in, he stood from the chair and walked over.

"Shouldn't you be at work today?" He questioned her.

The woman just gave him a cryptic smile and walked to the opened trunk of her car and began pulling items from it.

Those...didn't look like groceries.

More like bags full of clothes among other things.

"You mind getting the thing from the backseat for me?" Jade asked of him while taking the bags to the house.

Shrugging softly, he walked to the back door of the car, reaching forward and pulling it open.

Instead of seeing any bags, he saw a person.

A girl.

A young girl.

"You're not...groceries." He stated.

She shook her head, unlocking her seat belt and hopping out of the car. "Nope!" She gave him a slightly nervous smile. "I'm Minerva."

'Minerva'...looked like him. (Hair Color) hair, (Eye Color) eyes...hell, she even smiled like him.

And then it clicked.

"Are you (Name)?" She quickly asked. "My Mom always told me about you when I asked, but I could tell that she didn't enjoy talking about it so I tried not to ask as much.." Her speech started to slow down. "I didn't know I had a brother until this many years ago and I got so excited!" She held up two fingers before dropping her hand. "But um...I know you don't like my Mom that does that mean that you don't like me too?"

(Name) hadn't said a word the entire time she had been rambling. He used to be exactly like her, so he knew better than anyone to let her finish before he started responding.

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