Chapter 7: Conflict

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I realize most of this story has been dialogue, so to fix it, I'm gonna try to add some imagery and maybe some personification if I'm feeling fancy, no promises though.

Third Person POV


This was all that he could hear. This, coupled with the endless darkness around him, made him think the situation wouldn't bode well for him.

It was a cacophony of endless noise. It tickled the inside of his ears, yet not in a pleasant way. It was as if something had crawled inside and was scratching his eardrum. Almost as if it was trying to gain entrance to his head.

All of a sudden, all noise stopped, the only thing letting him know that he was still alive was the constant beating in his chest.

There was no breeze, but he was freezing.

There was no heat, but he was burning up.

He felt chills travel down his arms, making him pull them to his chest, trying to calm down. A feeling of underlying dread grew within his mind.

Something was not right.

Where... He gulped softly. Where am I? I can't move..

As if it were never there in the first place, the fear he had felt previously diminished, a warm and calming feeling washing over him.

"How have you been doing, (Name)?"

A simple sentence tore him from his thoughts. His sight returned.

He was inside of a medium size office. Decorations aligned the walls, giving off a very homey feel. He felt a hand lightly touch his shoulder. Glancing over, he took in the sight of his Aunt Jade giving him a motherly smile. It was the same smile she gave him everyday, but it was different.

It was almost as if she was a few years younger.

"Go ahead." She whispered and motioned in front of them.

Slowly craning his head over, he bit back a gasp. Sitting in the wooden desk directly in front of him was...him?

He suddenly noticed how small he felt and finally looked down.

Am I...a kid?

The male who had been 18 years old the last time he had checked, was in the body of an adolescent child.

And the version of him behind the desk looked around the age that he previously was.

"I can tell that you were heavily affected by the situation." Pseudo (Name) stated, resulting in immense confusion from the child.

"It truly is a sad case," the clone expressed with a shake of the head, "no child should have to go through something like that, but such is life I suppose.."

The older version of him just leaned forward, a glint in his eyes as he smiled at his younger self. "No one blames you for what happened, except yourself."

(Name) opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"Their relationship was...rocky, to put it nicely," Pseudo (Name) said, loosing the smile he previously wore. "All it took was one spark to make it all fall apart. The household was a powder keg that was ready to blow."

That's..not true.

"Oh, but au contaire mon frére, it is. You may not have understood, because you were so young, but now that you are older even you MUST realize the obvious signs you missed, hmm?"


"The fights?"

Shut up.

"Don't you remember coming home to an empty house almost everyday?"

Shut. Up.

"If it was just those things, I feel that the relationship would have survived, a little bumps here and there, but those could be handled rather easily."

If I wasn't..

"It wasn't you, (Name), it was imminent, nothing else could've happened."

They loved one another so much though...

"Then what do you feel would've happened if you were never born?"

The question made him freeze.

"Because of you, it was only a few sparks here and there, if you were never created, an inferno would've been born. What do you think would've been the better outcome?"

A bell suddenly rang through his head, traveling through his body and giving him a headache.

"Ah, seems like we're out of time." The older him spoke mirthlessly and glanced at a clock on the wall.

"Hopefully I'll see you again soon, (Name), don't make me wait."

The real (Name) blinked, and when he opened his eyes, everything changed.

He was in an office, smaller than the one he was just in. A woman behind the desk replaced his copy. She looked at him and spoke in a slightly concerned tone.

"(Name), are you well?" Fiora questioned slowly.

"Fine.." He choked out, a bit surprised he could actually speak now. "Um, what happened?"

Principle Fiora leaned back into her seat, letting out a sigh. "I believe you zoned out after I mentioned your relationship with your family, which I apologize for, it was none of my business."

(Name) stared blankly at his hands, relieved that he was once again with his 18 year-old body. "No worries, I Uh, just zoned out as you said. How exactly did I get here? I forgot."

The older woman pursed her lips at his words, but answered him nonetheless. "I personally called you here. I wished to know how you were adjusting to the new area, and if there was anything I could do to improve your experience here."

Strange, he didn't remember any of that.

Guess that...whatever that was really took me for a loop..

"O-Oh," He mumbled, pretending to remember, "I remember that now. I appreciate your concern Principle, but you don't need to do that, I've been adjusting fine the and school is great."

She simply gave him a look before reaching into her desk and grabbing a slip of paper and a pen, writing onto it for a few seconds. "(Name), I care for any and all of my students here at Summoner's Rift Academy. Here at The Rift, I consider everyone family, and that means you can talk to one of us if you really need it."

The male was silent as he took the slip of paper, finding it to be a late pass.

"I apologize for keeping you, that should keep you out of trouble with your teacher." Fiora smiled at him. "You should probably get back to class now, I wouldn't want to interfere with your education. Don't forget what I said though, I was serious."

He stood up and nodded, the corners of his lips curling upwards. "Yes, Principle, I won't forget."

She nodded. "Good, now get going." She shooed him out with a wave of the hand.

Stepping out of the office, (Name) stared at the late pass for a few seconds and then shook his head.

I'm sorry Principle Fiora, he thought and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

But you're much too late.

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