Chapter 1: Your Friendly Neighborhood Pessimist

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Ahri POV

"So, how's your schedule?"

Looking up from the piece of paper that decided my last year here, I locked gazes with my best friend, Evelynn.

"Physics is gonna ruin me.." I mumbled, dreading the next few months of my life, grumbling when I heard her laugh at my suffering.

"Think of it like this," Evelynn said to get my attention, "maybe you'll find a cute boy to help you study before Physics can wreck you?"

Rolling my eyes, I stuffed my schedule into my pocket and grinned softly at my friend. "Boys are always at the forefront of your mind, aren't they?"

The girl just shrugged, her amusement evident by the smirk on her face. "Girls as well, I'm not picky."

Laughing softly, my worries were washed away just in time for the first bell to ring.

Evelynn and I glanced at each other and nodded. "See you at lunch?"

Scoffing in response, she tightened the strap of her bag. "Hopefully before then, if I'm not around a like-minded person, I might just slam my head onto a desk." Giving me a wave, she turned and walked off towards her first class.

The sigh that escaped my mouth did nothing to relieve my stress for the upcoming year, but I pushed all negative thoughts to the back of my mind and steeled my nerves, heading towards my class.

'It can't be that bad, at the least, I'll know a few people in there.' I managed to reason with myself before stepping through the open door and immediately realizing-


Dragging my eyes around the room, I scouted out all of the people and possible seats. Instead of standing and looking awkward in the doorway, I made my way to an empty seat.

There was a boy sitting behind said seat who was on his phone, seemingly ignoring the outside world.

'Lucky.' I mused.

"Uh, do you mind if I sit here?"

It took a few seconds for him to react to me, and he only looked up when I lightly tapped his desk.

He reached up to his ear and removed one of his earbuds, looking a bit confused. "Yeah?"

Repeating my question, he shrugged and motioned me to sit down. "It's a free country.." He mumbled, but I heard it on account of my enhanced hearing and giggled softly, quickly covering it up with a cough.

Placing my things down, I dropped into the seat and winced at the feeling of cold metal, but powered through, knowing I would have to get used to it.

Noticing the teacher still had not shown up, I shrugged softly and turned around to the boy. "Hey! Uh, I'm Ahri, what's your name?"

It was then that I actually noticed his features.

(Insert your own description here.)

The thing that was most interesting to me was the fact that he looked, bored, as if he didn't want to be here. Like he had anything better to do.

'Guess I shouldn't be that surprised, no one wants to be up at 7 a.m.'


His voice tore me away from my thoughts. "(Name)...(Name)..I'll make sure to remember it." I repeated his name a few times and then smiled at him.

He didn't smile back, instead his eyes drifted up to my ears. Without hesitation, he said, "are those real?" A few seconds later, he added, "no offense."

Creve Coeur | Ahri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now