Chapter 4: Short but Sweet

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(Name) POV

"Happy Birthday, Fuckface!"

"Wow, thanks guys."

We all laughed as the sound of glasses hitting one another sounded out.

"What is this stuff, anyway?" I queried, bringing the glass towards my nose and sniffing, only to be hit by an extremely strong scent.

"Dunno," Rakan answered as he swirled his glass, "found it in my Mom's cabinet and decided she wouldn't miss it too bad. Could be poison, only one way to find out, yeah?"

Ekko, Rakan, Ezreal, Yasuo, and I just glanced at each other before shrugging softly, turning the glasses up and swallowing their contents.

All of us sat on the pool chairs in my backyard. All of them had shown up earlier because apparently they had something important to speak to me about.

The something important was alcohol.

Ekko coughed, clearly taken aback by the strong taste. "Did I just drink fucking battery acid?!" He exclaimed.

Rakan looked closer at the bottle and hummed softly. "Maybe this stuff was expired.."

Ezreal snatched the bottle away from him and closely observed it. "Maybe you should've told us that before we drank it." He hissed. "Thanks a lot Rakan, now I'm gonna die a virgin."

The vastaya just shrugged with a small smirk. "It didn't taste that bad."

"Didn't taste that good either.." Came the mutter from Yasuo, who looked as if the liquid didn't bother him in the slightest.

It's always the quiet ones.

"Virginity is cool," Ekko started, "stay pure." All of us said except Ezreal, who just sighed at our antics.

"How did I become friends with you idiots?"

"Ezreal, including you, our friend group is two nerds, the quiet kid, a flirt, and a blonde." I said slowly to make sure he understood.

He didn't.

The male just cocked his head to the side. "I don't follow."

"Yeah, being blonde will do that to you." Rakan said with a chuckle as I punched him on the shoulder, cracking a smile.

"Wait, did you just call yourself a nerd?" Ekko asked, making me shrug.

Rakan threw his arm over my shoulder. "Our friend (Name) here is arguably a bigger nerd than dear Ekko. You're both incredibly smart. The only reason you got into that fancy academy was because of the big brain inside of that equally big head of yours."

Raising a brow, I removed his arm from my shoulder. "Being called smart by you isn't that much of a compliment, you argued that ketchup was a smoothie in history class a few years back."

"History class?" Ezreal echoed.

"A smoothie?" Yasuo and Ekko repeated.

"Look look look!" Rakan exclaimed. "Tomatoes are a fruit, correct?"

I just groaned. "Well yeah, but-"

"Wait!" Ekko shushed me and waved at Rakan to keep going. "Let him finish."

"And what is a smoothie but blended up vegetables and vodka?" He continued with a proud smile.

Ezreal blinked a few times. "I don't know what I'm more concerned about, the fact you put vodka in your smoothie, or the fact you think ketchup contains vodka."

Yasuo just gave a shrug, staring into the clear water of the pool. "Guess that explains why kids are so hard to handle most times."

We all turned around when we heard the back door of my house open.

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