"Leo, do you want something to drink?" I asked, wanting something to do, other than being frozen to my seat.

"Sure, what do you have?" Leo replied.

I jumped out of my chair and scrambled to the kitchen to see what we had. I headed towards our fridge that's covered with Lea's drawings.

"We have Coke, Pepsi, water, and Kool-aid," I announced as I turned away from the fridge.

"I'll have a Coke, please," Abby called to me.

I glanced at Leo for his answer, and he paused for a second, contemplating. "I'll have a Pepsi, please."

I grabbed the drinks out of the fridge, then headed over to Leo. "Here." I held the can out to him without looking at him because I knew if I did, I would be staring at him, taking in every handsome detail.

Leo took his can from me. As he took the can his fingers brushed mine, sending a jolt of electricity up my arm.

I yanked my hand back and crossed my arms over my chest, my hand still tingling from that tiny contact of Leo's fingers.

I started wondering what it would feel like if we touched for longer than just a second or two. Or what it would feel like if he touched a different part of my body...

No, Ethan. Stop thinking about him like that.

Leo grinned mischievously at me. Then he took a long drink from his soda before setting it down and crossing his arms over his chest.

I trotted over to the table and slid Abby her soda. "Thanks," she said without looking up from her paper.

I tried my hardest to forget Leo was even standing there, though it was almost impossible when he was arguing with Drew about whether Pepsi or Coke was the better soda.

I personally couldn't give a shit less. I just wanted them to be quiet so I could focus on my work. I have tests on all this shit on Monday, so I want to be prepared for them, and their arguing is really distracting.

"Eath, Abby, which one do you like? Pepsi or Coke?" Drew asked hotly, interrupting their argument.

"Coke," Abby answered instantly.

Drew sent a smug smile at Leo, then turned to me. "Which one Eath?"

"They're both pretty good," I said purposefully, knowing that if I said Pepsi--which is the one I prefer--the argument would never end.

"Obviously, they're both good, but which one do like better?" Drew pressed.

The only reason Drew was so invested in this argument is because he wanted to win, and I didn't want to fuel his ego even more than it already was, though I knew he wouldn't stop unless I answered his question.

So I heaved an exaggerated sigh, and I was about to say my answer when I felt a sudden fire ignite in my throat.
Instead of answering, I ended up having a major coughing fit for some reason. The fire in my throat moved to my chest, and it seemed to intensify. I continued coughing, but nothing seemed to calm the fire.

After my coughing fit was over, Abby and Drew were staring at me. Both of them had the same confused, yet alarmed expression in their eyes.

"You okay, Eath..?" Drew asked slowly.

My throat was still scratchy, but I managed to rasp out, "Um, yeah, can you get me some water?"

"Yeah, I'll get you some," Abby said. She flew out of her chair and headed for the kitchen.

After she came back with the water, she asked, "What the hell was that about?"

I took the glass from her and downed it in seconds. Thankfully, it eased the scratchy burning sensation. "My allergies have been driving me crazy, lately," I lied, hoping that Drew and Abby would stop freaking out.

REVISED:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now