Fan meeting (ive, wonyoung focus)

Start from the beginning

And the manager gestures for y/n to move to the next member. Which is ..

Liz! ~ y/n bows before sitting down across form Liz and she bows back "annyeong ~ " she greats y/n

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Liz! ~ y/n bows before sitting down across form Liz and she bows back "annyeong ~ " she greats y/n

Y/n bows once again and greats back "annyeong Jiwon^^ so nice to meet You "

And to this Jiwon smiles. Y/n hands her the album with a page open. A page with LIZ's picture. ( Yeah jiwon n liz. I do be switchin) and she tells her "This is my favorite picture of You. Don't let anyone tell you're not pretty. Cuz i mean You really proves them wrong " y/n says trying to not sound nervous so the idol in front of her can hear her Sincerity

And do this Liz smiles widely " thank you so much, I'll keep that in mind. I think it will help me be more confident ! " she gives y/n a smile that melts her heart and all she can do is smile back and nod

Sadly y/n's time with Liz is over and they have to bid goodbye. Which they do as Liz hands her album back. Signed with a little cat doodle which y/n smiles at upon seeing it "thank you so much ~" she greets Liz and then on to the next member. Which is ~

Yujin ~ ive's charismatic leader !

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Yujin ~ ive's charismatic leader !

Upon seeing Yujin y/n is once again nervous. Yujin whom she has followed since her debut in Izone.. the puppy who was once second youngest  who is now a mature leader...

Yujin smiles at y/n and to this y/n sits down and smiles in return Yujin greets her with "annyeong ~ " and extends her hand to y/n

"Annyeong yujinsshi, huh -" she looks down at her extended hand. And then up at yujin who is nodding softly with a smile. So y/n places her hand in Yjins and Yujin tells her "just want you to feel less nervous.. this might have the opposite effect but at least I'll be less nervous" she giggles

Y/n is speeches for a few seconds as Yujin signs the album on the page with her picture on it. Then she finally speaks " ...woah.. yeah I do think it's helping.. sort of? At least im not nervous to talk anymore.." she takes a deep breath " so I'll tell you what I planned on telling you"

Yujin lifts her head and smiles. Nodding as she looks into y/n's eyes signaling she will listen well. Y/n gets slightly more nervous but composes herself cuz Yujin is waiting to listen "I just wanna tell you im so so proud of you. I have watched you grow from the little girl you where in produce 48 into the caring charismatic leader you are today.. it makes me feel so proud.. and it makes me so happy to see. You're doing so well Yujin" she ends with a sincere smile

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