The aftermath

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Chapter 12:

You woke up in Peter's bed, well rested for another night. He made you feel so safe. But yet , he had left before you woke up.

It was probably for the best. If you were to get caught...

You shuddered. You didn't want to think about the consequences. Yes, Brenner would make you suffer. But him? To Brenner, Peter was disposable. Another orderly could easily be found, forced to sign a non disclosure agreement and replace him.

Maybe you were finally ready to admit that he meant something to you. He had been your first, and that soul rocking sex you had with him had shattered your soul.

You smiled like an idiot, blushing at the connection you two shared. Damn, that man was so fine.

Finally getting out of bed, you padded over to his wardrobe, selecting one of his identical pristine shirts. It hung on you, the sleeves reaching far past your hands. You made his bed, fluffing the pillows stupidly cheerfully, until your hand paused. There was a note under the pillow.

Opening it up, it read:

Meet me in the rainbow room in twenty minutes.

Of course his handwriting is perfect, you thought.

Folding your arms, you walked swiftly down the corridors, aiming for your room. You anxiously clenched your bumcheeks, shuffling along. You scoured your wardrobe for clothes, grabbing the usual garments you wore and making your way to the communal bathrooms.

You had a quick shower, using the drying soap they gave you and brushed your teeth. In only the few weeks you had been here, your hair had grown a little, but they hadn't been bothered to shave it again. Hopefully they didn't, you thought. Constant torture hadn't ruined your vanity, it seemed.

Once dressed, you went back to your room and stashed his shirt, making sure it was hard to find. If Brenner found it - you didn't want to think about that.

Heading to the rainbow room, you made eye contact with him as he stood in the corner of the room. His nodded to the chess board subtly, and you strode over, eager to beat his ass at the game.

As you made the first move, he spoke quietly, "I have a plan."

You weren't an idiot, so knowing that the cameras were always watching you, you showed no emotion on your face as you said, "now I'm interested. What does this genius plan consist of?"

He took your bishop as he met your gaze. "Every night at 11.45 the power goes out until 12.00. The security cameras don't work. That is when you will escape. In two week's time."

"How do you know this? Surely they wouldn't want all the staff to know that?" You enquired, genuinely clueless as to how he got this information.

He smirked slightly. "I have my ways." He took the rook.

You sighed, looking at the game. "Yes, you do. And besides, why escape in two weeks time instead of, say, tonight?" Not that you had anywhere to go. Your parents would sell you out if you went back to them, but you had one friend who you trusted enough to take you in.

"Because," he said, "there is something that I need to get from Brenner's office, and that part does not concern you."

You slumped in your seat childishly, the last straw being him checkmating your king. "Fine then," you said sighing. "What does Brenner have on you anyway?"

You were genuinely curious, and as you suspected he just said, "I am just as much of a prisoner here as you are. I was taken away from my parents as a child."

Jesus. Brenner was such an evil person. You hated him.

Peter had read the expression on your face that you forgot to mask, and smiled slightly. "Do you want to get revenge?"

You met his smile and said, "always."

"Meet me in my room at 11.45 tonight. Be discreet, love."

Written by rain ☁️

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