Unexpected Comfort

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Chapter 2:

You awoke to the sterile white light piercing your tired eyes, a sharp pain hitting your wrist. A gag in your mouth silenced the scream that threatened to erupt from your throat. After what feels like an eternity of the dull throbbing on your wrist which you quickly recognised to be the feeling of a tattoo needle, a '017' takes place, embedded in your skin.

'...017?' you thought incredulously, the
overwhelming intensity of the situation turning your conscious to a blur.

The temperature around you seemed to drop, your breath catching in your throat, as the man which you recognised from your impromptu kidnapping... 'Dr Brenner'? Strolled in. He kept an entirely cool facade not taking notice of the tears streaming down your cheeks or your muffled screams of agony.

''Ah you're awake'' Brenner speaks, his frigid posture not faltering ''you've been asleep for a long time. Do you still remember why you're here?'' An inquiring look took place on his visage.

He sees your gaze locked on your wrist and smiled subtly, clarifying ''you are 017, do you understand'' with his annoyingly smooth voice. he reaches out and your eyes widened as he pulled the gag from your mouth with his long fingers.

Taking your chance you yell at at him ''where the hell am I?!'' the wavering of your voice giving away the overwhelming terror ever present. "Where the fuck are my parents?!"

''I understand that you might be confused but your help is very appreciated in our.. mission" he hesitated, shifting almost uncomfortably ''as for the matter of your parents; I'm aware that you have since turned 18 however, your parents signed you over to Hawkins lab when you were 17... a lifelong contract" he smirked in a sickening manner. Your skin crawled in disgust as the bindings around your hands, upper arms and legs suppress the involuntary shudder threatening to rack your spine and your stomach dropped.

It was then that you noticed the same two tall men from earlier standing in the shadowed corners of the room. Unexpectedly you saw a hint of pity in the blond man's eyes combined with something else you couldn't quite work out. Your cheeks flushed in humiliation averting eye contact

It seemed that Brenner beckoned him forward as his slender form cloaked in white stepped forward. In the harsh light, shadows accentuated his haunting beauty. Sharp cheekbones jutted and his blonde hair haloed his perfectly sculpted face.

He moved closer his lips ghosting the shell of your ear as he was tasked with freeing your restraints.

"Stand up" Brenner beseeched as you attempted it, your legs weak with days of no use. Your legs buckled as you prepared to hit the floor before a strong arm gripped. your waist.

"Just lean into me" a deep honeyed voice murmured low enough for only you to hear into your ear before continuing "I've got you" confusion swirled your mind as you registered the warm comfort that found it's place in your chest.

Unaware Brenner ordered sternly "Take her to her room. She can rest temporarily before training tomorrow." Turning his back to you and striding out of the door along with the other man in the room.

You stumbled painfully out of the door assisted by Blondie (your self-proclaimed nickname for him) noticing his upward glance at the security camera in the hallway before he stopped you with a steadying arm.

With no warning, he stooped, elegant lithe hands clutching your thigh and his other arm supporting your back, easily lifting you bridal style as if you weighed no more than a feather.

"W-what the fuck are you doing?" You demanded in surprise, internally cursing the stutter caused by his unexpected action. "Put me down!" Fighting the flush that fought its way up your neck.

"You seem in no fit state to walk" he simply states. His pretty blue eyes met yours as his heart shaped lips curved into a slight smile. Sincere unlike the leering grimace of the man a few rooms away

He's pretty. You faintly registered in your suddenly exhausted mind before slipping into sleep to the sound of his steady breathing.

Written by angel- hope ur enjoying so far ;)

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