They showed up at the bakery and watched the baker make the dough.
"If you want the dough, the boy has to marry my daughter." The baker says in a deep voice, he then pointed to the corner where a young girl frog faced the wall. She turned her head around to reveal her about to stab a doll that looked suspiciously like sprig.
"Hiiii sprigggg" she said in a scratchy voice. She then punctured the doll through its stomach.
"Ain't she adorable?" The baker says.
"Done." Anne says
"You know, I'd we used a traditional recipe, we wouldn't have to sell sprig." Hop pop says
"No! That old book is old. Sprigs eternal happiness is a small price to pay for a pizza." Anne says
"Agreed" Polly states
"Aw, it's not so bad. Maybe we'll learn to love eachother—" sprig looked behind him to see Maddie was right behind him.
"I've seen your death in my mind" she says
"I was kinda hoping it'd be a surprise." Sprig laughs nervously.
" it will be."

"Congratulations on your new son. Now cough up the dough." Anne says
"Yayyyyyyyy" he says and throws her a ball of dough.
"Pleasure doing business with ya."

"Well, looks like we gotta go, see ya!" Sprig says nervously as he picks up polly.
"I wanna be the maid of honor!" Polly says
"See you soon, hubby." She says creepily.

Soon the group ran from a giant caterpillar cow at the dairy farm.
"Thanks again for helping me out! I know Brutus can be a handful." Mrs croaker yells while watching them.
"What are we here for again?" Sprig asks
"Cheese!" Anne says panting.
"You know, there's a recipe in here, that doesn't need cheese." Hop pop says holding up the book
"No old recipes!" Anne yells before looking to the side to see something. She walks over to an odd bush with red leaves. She picks one and stands at the the gate of the cow-pillars enclosure.
"Hey, Brutus! Over here! Toro, toro!" She yells waving around the leaf.
The cow-pillar came charging to her.. but Anne jumped out of the way just in time. The cow-pillar was in his enclosure and Anne giggled.
Sprig closed the gate with his tongue and Anne climbed out.
Sprig and Anne did three fist bumps before the cow-pillar roared behind them. They scattered away from the enclosure and Mrs croaker was there waiting for them.
"Here you go, deary. A hunk of cheese made fresh from the milk of those ca—" She says handing her the cheese
"Please don't tell me where it comes from" Anne says her eyes wide and frightened.

Anne and Yn were collecting basil from the forest and yn was being more quiet than usual. Anne didn't seem to notice tho- she had too much on her mind. Anne picked up a leaf and winced. When she flipped over the leaf she saw she was bitten by a spider on the other side. Anne began sucking her finger and she used a stick to get the spider off the leaf.
"You know we could try my recipe? It doesnt take a lot to get the ingredients and it doesn't require us to sell sprigs future, get chased by cow-pillars and get bitten by spiders.. all it needs is-" Yn was interrupted when Anne turned around to face her
"Come on yn! We're so far into this, we can't turn back now! Only one more ingredient, and this isn't a big price to pay for pizza!"
"Come on, we have enough." Anne says picking up her pile of basil and yns pile as well and began walking back to the group.
Yn sighed and tried to restrain her tears. She's always been such a crybaby but.. words hurt.. yn blinked back her tears and tried to forget everything. She felt her hand twitch to her arm again. She tried to restrain it but she began pinching herself again, kind of a nervous habit she's picked up over the years. Yn followed Anne's tracks back to the group and joined mid conversation.
"Left.. tomatoes. According to this, they should be up ahead." Anne says unfolding a map.
"Still can't believe I traded my favorite dentures for that map." Hop pop says showing his bare mouth.
"You know, I've never actually tasted a tomato, no one in town really sells them." Sprig says
"There's a reason for that. They're in the dangerous vegetables section. It suggests we go for prunes instead. Can't go wrong with prunes!" Hop pop says showing us his book again.
"Whoa-whoa. Dangerous vegetables? Come on!"

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