Chapter 3: Rise of the Pirate Squad/Meet Mechagodzilla

Depuis le début

Shoto: (sees his counterpart) Another me?

P. Shoto: More than that.

(Then both parallel Izuku and parallel Shoto pull out their transformation devices and their ranger keys.)

P.Izuku/P.Shoto: Gokai Change!


(Then they transform into Gokai Red and Gokai Blue, surprising the students.)

Gokai Red: Gokai Red!

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Gokai Red: Gokai Red!

Gokai Blue: Gokai Blue!

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Gokai Blue: Gokai Blue!

(Then Ochako speaks to Cross.)

Ochako: (to Cross) Who are you?

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Ochako: (to Cross) Who are you?

(Then Cross starts singing "Kaizoku no Uta")

Cross: 🎵 The carefree yet "selfish" world pirates

Yohohoi yohohoi yohohoi hoi
Port and starboard, going wherever the wind blows
Yohohoi yohohoi yohohoi hoi

Mecha-Alien Force: All-Out AttackOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant