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(Some hours later, everyone is seen rebuilding the cities destroyed by Union Academy, especially Gotham and Bellwood. Then Souichi builds a new academy of superheroes, which isn't corrupted. As they resume their work, Ryan Tennyson and his team are seen being visited by a Cosmic Dragon named Cosmic Virgo.)

Ryan: Who are you? What are you doing here?

Ryan: Who are you? What are you doing here?

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????: I am Cosmic Virgo. And I am here to tell you that Ghost Virgo is trying to come to your world to kill you.

Wallcroft: Why would he do that?

C. Virgo: I don't know either. You didn't even give him a good reason to do so.

Suarez: So… what are you gonna do about it?

C. Virgo: I'm going to put a force field around this universe so Ghost Virgo won't get to kill you.

(Then Cosmic Virgo chants a spell which creates a barrier which will prevent Ghost Virgo from coming to their universe. Then he summons some robots with appearances similar to the Alien Dino Thunder Force and puts the souls and sparks of the members in the robots.)

Grimlock: Huh? It's me again?

Ben 10: I thought I was killed by Asuna. (realizes) Wait a second. I WAS killed by that bitch. (facepalms) Oh, dude…

Rook: Okay, hold on, If we died, how did we get back here?

C. Virgo: I brought you back. But you're not in your original bodies.

Cyborg: This explains why I'm a full machine.

Deathstroke: Painful, isn't it?

C. Virgo: I want to ask you a request. 

Kevin: What is it?

C. Virgo: I want you to watch over the world while The Anti-Union Academy Resistance will go and help someone in a Merged Universe.

(This causes the heroes to be confused)

Jaune: What do you mean? Who is the one we must help?

C. Virgo: I can't explain, but once you go in there, an old friend of mine will explain the details to you.

(Ryan looks at Ben, who comes to hug his brother.)

Ben 10: I'll miss you, brother.

Ryan: Me too, brother.

(Then Ryan and his friends go through the portal as the screen goes black)


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