Prologue: The End of Alien Dino Thunder Force

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(In an alternate Unionverse, the battle against Union Academy had a different result. The Atlesian Soldiers and the Union Fake Heroes have killed Ryan's teammates, including Batgirl, Nightwing, Red Robin, Batman, Lex Luthor and Green Arrow. Then a weakened Scorn walks towards the injured Scowl.)

Scorn: Scowl... get up... we need to get out of here.

Scowl: (coughs) You go... without me... Grimlock and the others need you.

Scorn: I can't leave you here by yourself!

Scowl: Just... go... I'll be fine.

(Suddenly someone shoots Scorn through the chest, and Scowl turns to see the Union Fake Heroes.)

Pyrrha: (glares) Now that the mecha-dinosaur is out of the way... (to Scowl) Where are the other Dinobots?

Scowl: Go to hell... bitch!

(Pyrrha uses her semblance and kills Scowl, killing him, and then she turns to the other Fake Heroes.)

Pyrrha: Let's go. They must be at the docks.

(They nod and proceed to the docks to destroy the Dinobots.)

(At the docks, the remaining Dinobots are seen running towards it.)

Grimlock: We need to retreat, come on.

Sludge: How many of us are there?

Slug: Six.

Slash: Scorn... Scowl...

Ryan: (sobs) My brother got killed by Asuna... I'll make that bitch pay. (to Dinobots) Get on the boat, now.

(Then they go to the boat, and Grimlock turns to Ryan.)

Grimlock: What about you, Ryan?

Ryan: I'll hold them off.

Grimlock: WHAT? You can't take on that many.

Ryan: Just go. (pulls out his morpher) Dino Thunder, power up!

(Then Ryan becomes the Red Dino Ranger, and the boat drives off while he prepares to fight the Union Fake Heroes until some telepathic powers hold him still, and he tries to move as he glares at the Headmasters.)

Ryan: You won't get away with this!

Sirzechs: (smirks) We already have, young Tennyson.

Ozpin: We came up with a plan.

Ryan: What plan?

All Might: Look above the boat.

(Then Ryan gasps by seeing a bullhead carrying a bomb.)

A. Soldier: Ready, sir.

Ironwood: Good, on my mark, drop the bomb.

(Then Ryan yells)


(All Might catches his morpher and breaks it. Then Glynda shuts him up.)

Glynda: It's over, Ryan. Your friends are gone!

Ironwood: Now!

(Then they drop the bomb, and explodes in them. Ryan gasps, and then he falls into tears, so do his friends while the other Fake Heroes cheer for the end of the Alien Dino Thunder Force. Ryan's friends are saddened for their death and see Ryan crying.)

Ryan: I'm sorry, brother... Grimlock... Bruce... Slade... Alien Dino Thunder Force. I failed you.

(Then the Fake heroes cheered for their victory)

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