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With Jin out, it's time to put plans into action.

"Have you ever baked before?" Hobi asked Namjoon.

"No, but I have watched a lot of baking videos yesterday" Namjoon spoke sounding confident.

"So if one of us burns to death it's on you."

Namjoon spend next five minutes reading through recipes.

"Hyung, can we bake chocolate cake for Jin Hyungie" Tae asked eagerly.

"If Taehyungie wants to bake chocolate cake, then we will bake chocolate cake" Namjoon replied, making the Younger's clasp his hand with a happy grin.

"We will be baking this one" Namjoon exclaimed showing Hobi the recipe for his cake. "Flour, eggs, sugar, it's all here. Tae bear help hyung find cocoa powder and Butter?"

"Do you think, it's safe to leave them alone" Jungkook asked Jimin frowning from where they were watching three of them.

"Comeon it's baking, what's the worst that could happen" Jimin didn't feel so confident as he sounded, "Beside Yoongi hyung will be here, he will manage it"

They took a last glance before they went out to start with decorations in the back yard.

Yoongi knew from the beginning that he will be regretting the decision to help these idiots. It was a absolute mess.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?" Namjoon shouted, trying to process what happened. He tried to use electric beater to mix the ingredients but everything end up flying out of the bowl.

"Hyung, our cocoa powder is flying" Tae shouted trying to escape from their cake ingredient's attack.

"KIM NAMJOON!" Hobi yelled over the buzzing of the mixer. "Turn it off, you're making a mess!"

"I would if I could!" Namjoon shouted back, trying to workout the functioning of beater.

"Ugh, don't break that damn beater, here let me do it!" Hobi ran over to where Namjoon was standing and reached out for the mixer. It was hard to see through the cloud of flour surrounding them and he accidentally pushed the bowl off of the counter. It landed upside down leaving a large pile on the floor. After ten seconds or so, Hobi was finally able to turn off the mixer.

"I swear I want to born as a rock next life" Yoongi grumbled, "I don't wanna struck with these idiots"

"You can complain later, help us you grumpy old grandpa" Hobi yelled over, as they began to start over.

Time skip>>

"Finallyyy" Jungkook streached himself, they finished with decorating the backyard. It really looked far better than they expected, given the short amount of time. They even managed to put up a small tent.

"It's looking nice, with lights on at night it will be great" Jimin beamed, wiping sweat from his forehead.

They gathered the spare items in the box and walked inside, "Hopefully food preparation will be complete before Jin hyung will be back"

Jungkook opened his mouth to yell his hello. But he inhaled a waft of something smelly hit his nose. Frowning, he followed the scent - of burned food? - coming from the kitchen.

Cautiously and a little worriedly, two omegas peeked inside the kitchen. It was difficult not to gasp in horror, the kitchen looked like a bomb had hit it. A bomb that consisted of flour, eggs, food colouring, some unidentified green mush and some form of chocolate mixture, all of it coating the walls, drawers and work surfaces. In the middle of the apocalyptic kitchen nightmare was Kim Namjoon looking completely lost, unbelievably messy, with flour and other sticky looking stuff covering his clothes and hair and ... apron?

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