The pastor began his lines and we intently listened. They read their vows and made each other cry further. It finally came to the lines we've been waiting for.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

We cheered as they connected their lips. They pulled away and walked down the aisle. We watched them stroll away. Loki came up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"They're married now," I pouted as the tears came running back. He chuckled and stroked my back. "They've grown up so fast."

It's been a year since Loki returned to my arms. Everything had gotten so much better and brighter. Raiden have been in a relationship with Jean for more than a year now before he decided to pop out the question. The man knew her for more than ten years. He wasn't afraid of the marriage life. He was more afraid of losing Jean. They didn't change to be a lovey-dovey couple but it changed to be more in-depth in terms of communication and it was beautiful to me. They were be able to express their feelings towards each other and satisfy their emotions that they've been holding in.

Loki and I have been doing amazing. We do have our petty arguments and disagreements. It was impossible to not have one when Loki is the god of mischief and I'm the niece of the Genius, Playboy, Billionaire, Philanthropist. But I have never once sighed at his presence around me. No matter how many times we fought or bickered, we would always make up within minutes. He was a gentle man. Not the one that many had expected. No one expected him to be the way he was, especially Tony who still has trust issues with him even though Loki saved my life.

Tony still disapproves of Loki kissing me or even hugging me but we did so anyway. It's not like I slept with him before his eyes. It's good enough that we were in our apartment when we did it and not when Tony was next door. With Loki's powers back, he feels more confident around the SHIELD team. In case they decided to attack him. He salutes me for my bravery to fight men without any abilities.

Raiden and Loki have become buddies, closer than I had expected. Going on double dates, Raiden would be attached to Loki. Sometimes, even leaving us two behind which we didn't mind but it was easy for the two of them to disappear out of sight. Making us panic and look for them, only to find them playing jokes on innocent people. I wasn't sure if Loki was making Raiden like him or was it the other way round. As far as I know, they were both mischievous in different ways but of course, Loki and I were more alike. We thought we were different at first but we turn out to have more common interests, same goes to Raiden and my boyfriend.

It was time for the reception. Everyone had their food and most were seated on their tables. The Bride and Groom a.k.a my newly-wedded best friends had changed into another set of gown and suit. They sat on their tables and was served the meal from the cater. All I could see were smiles on their faces throughout the whole time. The Emcee did his amazing job and it came down to making toasts. Since I was the maid of honor, I had to make a speech. I took the mic and pulled out a small paper from the pocket of my dress.

I took a good look at it, meaning to read the script before I decided to throw it. I took a deep breath and looked at the main audience.

"Good evening everyone. Let me introduce myself, I'm Aurelia Rose Stark. Most of you guys know me as their best friend which I can proudly say I am. Standing here with the mic in my hand to make this speech, I know I am going to shed some tears so let me say sorry for ruining your makeup, Jean. Maybe that's why they had me be the last one to make the speech. Let me start off with Jean. She has been my best friend since the day I entered high school. It was weird that we hated each other when we first met but eventually, we had no choice but to grow on each other. Apparently, we had more in common than we thought we would. Hating and gossiping on the same person. It wasn't healthy but it was definitely fun. She was the best sister anyone could ever have. She was there to comfort me when I broke up with my first official boyfriend and vice versa. We borrowed each other's clothes and became each other's partners. Heck, people even thought we were in a relationship together. No offence but I like it better with a man. She wasn't only my sister but also a mother. When I lost everything, she was there to bring me up and took amazing care of me. When I caused trouble with Raiden, Jean would have her hands on her waist and shaking her head. I love Jean. When we had our first fight which made us not talk for a year, it was horrible. We both wanted to make things right but our ego were two steps ahead of us. I never knew who to talk to. I couldn't possibly talk crap about a girl that I hated to my dad. What would he think of us? But he figured it out anyway and we did too."

A Trickster's Euphoria | Loki FFWhere stories live. Discover now