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Chapter 84: MeetingYan Hebi's face filled with horror, but he still acted strong, "Yiyi, don't be afraid. I'll protect you!"

Xing Ye's face was calm, "I'm not afraid, just bringing up ideas. There are many different ways for parasites to spread, but all of them require physical contact. The easiest way to spread it would be through bodily fluids, such as sneezing or saliva. Then the parasite could be transmitted through air. If the parasite wants to, it could easily infect everybody in the hospital very quickly. However, the parasite we're looking for can only infect one person a day so it definitely transmissible through bodily fluids.

For the same reason, if it takes over others by biting them, it shouldn't have any reason to go one per day."

Yan Hebi said cautiously, "It could be like a vampire's embrace. In order to convert humans into vampires, they have to exchange blood. The ability can only be used once per day, or it'll weaken them."

Xing Ye replied, "It's possible, but then it should be two people that get infected every night. Why would two parasites only infect one person? The only thing I can think of is reproduction. This transmission method is very slow and ineffective compared to the other two possible transmission alternatives, but why weren't you afraid of those two and found the egg one so frightening?"

"Because it's disgusting... eating its eggs..." Yan Hebi looked like he was about to puke.

"Did you finish copying the hospital records?" Xing Ye asked.

"Yeah," Yan Hebi jumped on the chance to change the topic, "I designed a software to automatically filter through the hospital records according to your suggestions. All the ones that looked suspicious have been copied."

His hand moved the mouse busily. Xing Ye spotted his own hospital record among the files. His face didn't change as he asked, "Do you have a USB? Give me a copy of the files too."

"You said the same yesterday, so I ordered one by express delivery." Yan Hebi said as he took out a USB from his pocket.

"Let me," Xing Ye said, "That way I can skim through them real quick before I copy them."

"Alright." Yan Hebi gave Xing Ye the USB.

While Yan Hebi was distracted, Xing Ye took the chance to quickly glance over his hospital record before deleting it.

Sure enough, his current condition was different from the medical card by his bed. It said his episodes of mania would appear irregularly, but before, it would rarely occur two days in a row. According to his medical record, if he wasn't injected with tranquilizers and just bound, he would return to normal after 30 minutes. However, when his illness flares up, he would become much stronger and very difficult to restrain. That was why the doctor had decided to use tranquilizers yesterday.

After deleting his information, Xing Ye quickly scrolled through the list of patients and hospital staff who had been on-duty for the past two days. He quickly made a second list of people he found suspicious and used the printer in the office to print it out. He then made another copy of the data so it'd be easier to compare for any changes tomorrow.

Yan Hebi picked up the printed papers. It was more than a dozen pages long, filled with names and text.

"So many? This will take a long time to go through." Yan Hebi said anxiously.

Xing Ye said, "There are 5 doctors and 9 nurses who have worked both today and yesterday. Among them, 2 doctors and 5 nurses are continuing on day-shift today without taking a break. Those 7 are the most suspicious.

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