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Chapter 16: Enticing

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Duke Garcia clearly didn't believe him. This was normal and just proved nothing was wrong with Duke Garcia's brain.

Xing Ye also didn't plan to explain and just continued: "Sir Duke can choose whether to believe me or not but I must enter the palace and assassinate the queen. Otherwise, the blocked river will never be able to flow again."

After saying that, Xing Ye picked up the knocked out man and started to leave. Duke Garcia hastily shouted: "Stop!"

He massaged his temples, not sure about what he should do with this woman.

Xing Ye knew when to stop and lowered his head: "I understand. May Sir Duke please order me to die then."

"Huh?" Duke Garcia couldn't keep up with Xing Ye's reasoning.

"Sir Duke doesn't believe me but I insist on killing the queen. This would give Sir Duke much trouble so the only way to stop me would be to kill me. If Sir Duke believes me but is loyal to the queen, Sir Duke can't allow me to live. Lastly, if Sir Duke both believes me and wants to get rid of the demon within the queen, Sir Duke would have to drain me of my blood to kill the queen."

Basically, you can just kill me.

"However," Xing Ye kicked the queen's favored man and continued: "This person can't return to the imperial palace. He knows my secret."

Duke Garcia killing the last manipulator would be perfect.

"Wait a moment!" Duke Garcia stopped Xing Ye from killing the man, "Everything's too sudden, give me a while for me to think."

"I'll wait here then."

Although Xing Ye stepped on the queen's favored man's back, he actually had no intention to kill. In his plans, it was best if Duke Garcia was the one to execute the manipulator and not him. That way, he could avoid any and all possibilities.

Duke Garcia paced around, occasionally glancing at his watch or looking at the girl standing in the middle of the room. The girl appeared very beautiful with the manor's maid uniform- Duke Garcia never thought the maid's uniform could ever look so attractive.

After walking around in agitation for a while, he took a seat and spoke: "The nobles and Church all know that the queen's been alive for five hundred years and her deal with the devil, so that doesn't matter. Lawrence, it might be hard to understand as a commoner, but in our eyes, killing a beautiful woman every ten years for the queen to prolong her life isn't any big deal."

Of course Xing Ye understood. In this era, there was no way aristocrats would care about the life or death of a commoner.

"The Church needs the queen to help them preach amongst the nobles while the nobles need the queen to support their boycott against the Church from brainwashing the serfs. The queen's always done a good job at this and keeps a perfect balance between the three powers for hundreds of years now. Nobody wants to ruin the balance so even if we know she made a deal with the devil, it doesn't matter." Duke Garcia spoke coldly.

Xing Ye obviously knew that the actual world was different from the plot. There was no way the queen could have controlled the country with magic for so many years without having given the other powers in the country some benefits to let them tacitly agree to her actions.

"I understand, but being a tripartite can't compare to being the sole power." Xing Ye said enticingly, "Why not reveal the queen's true face as a demon to the masses and push on the blame onto the Church? Say that the Church and the queen were led astray by the demon, making them persecute innocent, young women for the past many years. Sir Duke, you have military strength and prestige so why bear with the queen and the Church's oppression? This is a good opportunity to overthrow the queen and assist an obedient puppet to the throne to keep the imperial family's dignity. Then you can join with some other nobles to build a legislative assembly with the actual power, turning the imperial family into a mere figurehead. The country would be yours."

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