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Chapter 46: Endgame
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Chapter 46: Endgame

When Aunty Zhang rushed up the stairs, Bai Xu stopped caring about Cao Qian. Her body, which Cao Qian was using all her strength to restrain, flailed around, unable to run upstairs. She gave a mournful howl and turned her head, her tongue stretching out to grab Aunty Zhang.

Her tongue was much stronger than Di Kuang's arms. Di Kuang's arms could only extend five meters at most, but her tongue had stretched out ten meters and was still growing longer.

Just as the tongue was about to pierce into the frantically running Aunty Zhang, a piano suddenly slammed onto the tongue with a thump.

Xing Ye had long since been prepared. Although he wasn't physically strong, he could support Cao Qian from afar.

Bai Xu realized she couldn't chase after Aunty Zhang until she defeated the two. She changed targets, tearing apart the piano with her tongue before retracting it and turning to Cao Qian. At this moment, Xing Ye shouted, "Release her, let her go upstairs!"

Although Cao Qian didn't understand why, she had complete trust in Xing Ye and quickly let go.

The instant Cao Qian let go, Bai Xu opened her mouth wide and bit fiercely at the air.

If Cao Qian hadn't let go in time, the bite would've ripped her head in half!

By now, Aunty Zhang had already reached the second floor. Bai Xu was very anxious and took the chance to run upstairs, ignoring the two.

Xing Ye shouted, "Hug her legs!"

Bai Xu was simply too fast. In a blink of an eye, she was already halfway up the second floor. However, Cao Qian, who was already staking it all, didn't lose in speed. Hearing Xing Ye's order, she dashed forward and hugged Bai Xu's legs, stopping her from going forward.

Xing Ye was fully aware that completely blocking Bai Xu was impossible. However, they also couldn't let Aunty Zhang take the landscape painting upstairs by herself.

The second floor had Guan Ling, and on the third floor, Di Kuang might've already crawled out from under the pianos. It'd be too dangerous for Aunty Zhang to go up alone, so they needed to escort her.

So the best strategy was to let Aunty Zhang run up one floor while they stalled Bai Xu, giving just enough time to ensure Bai Xu wouldn't be able to catch up to Aunty Zhang before rushing up, preventing Aunty Zhang from having to deal with both the other players and Bai Xu's attacks.

The only thing worth rejoicing over was that Hippity Hop Ping Pong Ball was still active, meaning Di Kuang's phone was basically useless.

With one of her thighs hugged, Bai Xu frantically used her other leg to kick Cao Qian. Cao Qian was ultimately still made of flesh. Although her strength and agility were boosted, her defense hadn't changed. She didn't have Di Kuang's copper skin, and was forced to vomit blood with two kicks from Bai Xu.

However, Cao Qian was staking it all. Bearing her injury, she managed to draw out her Hundred Shot Gun, accurately shooting Bai Xu's tongue.

The earlier attack with the piano showed that physical attacks were effective on this brain eating demon. She could feel pain, which would force her to slow down.

Sure enough, the gunshot made Bai Xu stop. Cao Qian seized the chance to jump up, ruthlessly landing a kick on Bai Xu's stomach. She put all her strength into this attack and unexpectedly kicked the brain-eating demon all the way down to the entrance of the first floor.

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