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Chapter 59: Projector
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Guan Ling thought of what Xing Ye said earlier and asked, "If the city lord wants to kill Benedict, does that mean Benedict's a villain?"

"We can't be sure yet. The city lord might also be the villain. If you look at it the other way around, wouldn't you say Benedict's also quite pitiful? The puppet he personally created wants to kill him." Randy asked back.

He stumped Guan Ling. Guan Ling couldn't help but look at Xing Ye, but the one he had always viewed as the big boss was currently silent, not saying a word.

They didn't have enough clues. Xing Ye felt like they couldn't rashly make an opinion yet. One could be good and the other evil, or they could both be good or both bad. Everything was possible.

Old Nect said they would arrive at the mine after following the river for 5-7 hours. That speed was evidently calculated using new iron puppets as the standard. For shabby old puppets like Xing Ye, it would already be good to go three hours before stopping to rest his knee joints and rewind his coil springs. Seven hours was simply impossible. It took them 10 hours in total, and by then, the sky had already darkened.

"What exactly are the mines?" Guan Ling asked under Xing Ye's prompt as they walked.

Since Guan Ling talked a lot, Xing Ye designated him to be the one who would talk to Randy and the city lord's son. Xing Ye and Cao Qian remained quiet, not allowing them to learn anything from their behaviour.

The city lord's son clearly knew many things. "Primary ore is the energy source puppets use to live. One piece of primary ore is enough to let an old style wooden puppet's nucleus work for a year, and just three months for newer iron puppets. As long as you have enough primary ore and frequently replace your parts, puppets can live forever."

No wonder primary ore was precious enough to be used as currency. It was actually their life source.

"Then doesn't that mean it's faster for newer model puppets to die?" Guan Ling's face was filled with worry. He was an iron puppet.

"You're Old Nect's son. He'll always replenish your energy stores, you don't need to worry." The city lord's son said.

Xing Ye rubbed the area where his nucleus was probably located. He didn't know how long it's been since this body's topped up its energy stores. He shouldn't be that unlucky, right? But then again, he was an opposing fate player, and all opposing fate players were unlucky.

"Do any of you guys know how to fill our energy stores with primary ore?" Randy asked, "I suggest that as soon as we find primary ore in the cave, we should immediately fill up our energy stores so we don't suddenly stop operating."

Randy was truly experienced as an opposing fate player and didn't try to test his luck at all.

The city lord's son said, "I don't know how to, but there's specialized stores in Puppet City that charge a service fee to fill your energy stores. Apart from them, the owners of engine oil and repair shops also know how to. After all, it's necessary for business."

Everybody turned to look at Guan Ling, who immediately waved his hands, "I, I don't know how to either!"

The atmosphere instantly turned somber. If nobody knew how to fill their energy stores, all three opposing fate players were in danger.

Xing Ye looked at Randy, suspicious. If Randy knew what the primary ore was used for and worked with the city lord's son, how could he not have already gotten his own energy stores filled? This meant that he was probably testing them.

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