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Chapter 63: Son

"This is..." Old Nect inspected the drawing.

Xing Ye watched his face and gave up trying to understand the other's moods from slight changes in his expressions. Puppets just didn't have those.

Puppets have always loved to lie, and they didn't have any microexpressions or small habits either. Although this greatly raised the difficulty of the game, it didn't mean there was no way to get truthful information.

It just needed a little technique.

Xing Ye didn't mention the city lord's troops had already died and only mentioned he had seen them.

Sure enough, Old Nect questioned them emotionally, "They... were the puppets you saw also going to the illegal mine?"

Xing Ye said, "This... Uncle Nect, let's clear our debts first. You should know that for me, the most important thing is to pay you back. It doesn't feel good being in debt. We can talk about other things afterwards."

During negotiations, the more sly, the more shrewd and mysterious, the harder it was to see through the other's goal, the more calm he would be. He couldn't lose himself to panic, only then could he gain the upper hand and force the other to reveal a weak point.

Fortunately, puppets weren't good at negotiating and scheming. Although they didn't have many expressions, most puppets were simple minded and it was easy to find flaws in their words.

The most important thing was to tell whether they were lying or saying the truth.

Even if the tone, face, eyes, facial muscles can not be used as a basis for judgment, you could still use their speed of speech and repeated questioning with different details after the event to judge whether it was true or not.

No matter how realistic a lie seems, it can always be punctured through.

Sure enough, Old Nect turned anxious. His voice sped up as his wooden lips opened and closed with clack clack clack sounds, "Debts, debts, all you know are debts! As long as you tell me everything you saw in the mines, I'll clear off all of both of your debts!"

He was already impatient? He really was an irritable puppet.

Xing Ye spoke calmly, "Then take out the bills first. Me and the matchstick puppet's hand prints are there, after all."

"Tell me first, did those puppets with that insignia go into the mine or not!" Old Nect slammed the table.

"They did, and even had weapons. They left one person outside to guard the door. We saw everything from beginning to end. If you're curious, take out the bills and write a receipt for us."

Old Nect angrily returned to his room to write up a receipt for them. Cao Qian walked over and gave Xing Ye a high five.

It sure felt good, making Old Nect reveal his true intentions while getting their debt written off for free.

Guan Ling watched at the side, dumbstruck. He imagined what would happen if he was the one Xing Ye had been talking to and found that he probably would've spilled every embarrassing incident from when he was a child until now.

After Old Nect cleared their debts, Xing Ye said, "You know we only had three guns, so we didn't dare to get too close. However, if you tell us about those people, I might know what happened to them."

"You..." If it weren't for the fact Cao Qian had his gun, Old Nect really wanted to kill him.

"Right!" Xing Ye knocked his head, "I remember now, I think I heard them say that no matter what, they had to kill the person inside the mine."

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