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Chapter 57: Dull
ISO is Recruiting Translators!
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Guan Ling and Cao Qian were both filled with questions, but they didn't interrupt and patiently waited for Xing Ye's explanation.

"Everybody knows a few legends about how the world was created. All of them have one similarity- they all have a god that created the human race, then destroyed the world. A god, whether unintentionally or because of a beautiful wish, created the human race. But then, disappointed by human nature, they decided to destroy the world to put an end to the human race."

Guan Ling didn't understand, "You think that Benedict wasn't satisfied with the Neverland he created, so he wanted to destroy the Puppet City to create a new one afresh? But what proof do you have? And besides, if that's what Benedict wanted to do, why didn't he just do it?"

"It's just a hunch, an idea that we could refer back to later."

Xing Ye didn't have anything he could use to explain because he couldn't reveal the little mirror.

At first, Xing Ye thought the little mirror was the final puppet Benedict created, so he didn't get a chance to give it a nucleus. Thus, the puppet ended up becoming pieces of scrap metal and thrown into the river.

But after seeing Old Nect, Xing Ye realized his original way of thinking was wrong.

The puppets' bodies were more nimble than he had imagined. If Benedict made a body for himself, then he definitely would've been able to finish the project he was making while he was alive.

But he just threw the little mirror's body away, letting the original collect the copper mirror puppet.

This meant that after becoming a puppet, Benedict clearly didn't value the puppets he had created and even abandoned his failed projects.

This was completely different from the kind and compassionate Benedict described in the system's background. It was hard for somebody as suspicious as Xing Ye to believe that Benedict really had kindly feelings towards Puppet City.

Guan Ling wanted to say that Xing Ye saying such empty words would mislead people, but Cao Qian silenced him with a fist.

With iron padding her matchstick body, one fist was enough to create a hole in Guan Ling's face. It went deep into Guan Ling's face, leaving behind a fist shaped imprint.

"Shut up and listen to what the teacher... boss says." Cao Qian stopped Guan Ling's questions.

Cao Qian covered her mouth- she had almost called Xing Ye teacher.

With no more interruptions, XIng Ye continued talking. "It's just a hypothesis. We have to have multiple plans, or we'll be tricked by the game. It's like the last world's true ending and surface ending; just a moment of carelessness, and we would've missed it. I won't hide this from you guys: I've gone through two worlds and got two books. There's a bookshelf in the mission space, with the word 'reincarnation' written on it. What about you guys?"

The teacher asked a question, so Cao Qian answered. "I've gone through several worlds, but I only got a perfect ending in the last world. When I got the book from it, the word reincarnation appeared on my bookshelf."

Guan Ling raised his hand. "Same as Cao Qian."

Xing Ye nodded, "It's not clear what the bookshelves mean right now, but it's definitely something important. We have to do our utmost to find the story's perfect conclusion. We have to be prepared in order to collect as many books as possible.

"Suppose Benedict had two attitudes towards the puppets in the city. First is goodwill: he wants to do his best to change the current troubled puppet city to one not so profiteering. Second is malice: since Puppet City can't be fixed, it would be better to destroy the city and create a new one. This time, he wouldn't give puppets human nature. That way, wouldn't he be able to forever keep the utopian Neverland he always desired?

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