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Chapter 30: Bottom Line

Xing Ye and Cao Qian currently had leads on 4 of the campus legends, the QR code Mr. Deng gave Xing Ye, and the mission the human head gave them.

They knew that the Mona Lisa painting in the corridor would cry while pointing at the third years and that the game time was limited. However, it shouldn't be just limited to that. Xing Ye stil hadn't found the painting so they couldn't just rashly conclude that.

They still hadn't found anything about the youth running around holding a human head on the night of the new moon. This was contradictory.

I made a mistake in chapter 28! The new moon hasn't happened yet, it's just very close to the new moon. It's fixed now!
In the seven days they had, there could only be one night with a new moon. If they lost the chance, they would never be able to finish the mission. At that point, the players could only kill each other until only one person remained, who would then have to kill themselves to return to the novice world. The higher points they had, the more they wouldn't dare to act rashly without thinking.

"Huh?" Xing Ye couldn't help but issue a sound of surprise.

"What?" Cao Qian's sight had been trained on Guan Ling this whole time, not even turning her head when she heard Xing Ye's sound.

"I was thinking in the wrong direction earlier," Xing Ye said, "The whole time, we've been taking Di Kuang's group as enemies."

"Aren't they?" Cao Qian said, "If we aren't in a team, we're competitors. Right now, they just don't dare to act blindly because they don't know our true strength. If they discover we're just weaklings, they'll definitely take our heads. Even mosquito legs still count as meat."

Xing Ye shook his head, "It might seem so on the surface, but it's actually different."

"How?" Cao Qian only moved her gaze after Guan Ling disappeared around the corner.

"If you don't enter the tiger den, how would you be able to get its cub? There's still a day and a half left, how about we go find Di Juang to cooperate?"

"Ha?" Cao Qian couldn't keep up with Xing Ye's train of thoughts as she just blindly followed Xing Ye up to the third year's room.

It was noon, so most of the students were either having their noon break in the dormitories or enjoying their free time. Di Kuang was standing in front of the third year's class 3 door, looking at Da Vinci's famous quote.

Sure enough, he's also thought of it. Xing Ye walked right to Di Kuang without any fear. Sensing somebody was coming, Du Kuang turned around, his eyes meeting with Xing Ye's.

"Hello, I'm Xing Ye. I'm sure you already know me." Xing Ye politely extended his hand, making it appear like he and Di Kuang were close friends.

Di Kuang kept his hands in his pockets, showing no intention to accept Xing Ye's goodwill. "You killed somebody from my team and still dare to come find me. You sure have guts."

He was hinting to Xing Ye: I've long known about you and also understand that you know about me. Since we have a tacit mutual understanding, there's no need to fight just yet.

Di Kuang raised his cell phone, showing a QR code on the screen. Xing Ye knew his first sentence was extremely important. If he misspoke, Di Kuang would've immediately attacked. He raised his hand to show he wasn't holding his phone and got right to the point. "I have 200 points and Cao Qian has 1100 points, 1000 of which was obtained from killing Li Hong earlier."

"Ha?" Di Kung never expected the two he had always regarded as opponents would take the initiative to attack, and that the first thing they'd say to him was this!

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