I wasn't sure if it was the shock or an increase in anger but his hand hesitated to lash out at it. I pushed against the floor fighting every instinct to curl up and grabbed the back end of the whip handle. He was stunned enough that I could yank hard pulling the sharp hooks through his hand slicing open his palm.

The small wolf glanced back and forth between the two of us as if it suddenly lost its nerve. I made eye contact with it and stood up side stepping Henry. "Don't back down now. This may be the only chance we ever get." It nodded and stepped closer blocking the door way. I slid the whip to the other side of the cell knowing that if I tried to use it I would probably only hurt myself more.

Henry turned to face me growling out and baring his canines. He started to shift. I lifted my hands summoning all the energy I had to try and follow suit. The air around the cell picked up banging at the door. My wolf was inches away from surfacing, but his was ready to fight.

He stalked closer as the other wolf just stared. I couldn't tell if she was here to help or would switch to his side at any second. I backed up slowly rubbing my hands together to try and create some friction. When I felt the spark of static electricity I couldn't help but smile. I leaned down placing my hand in front of my mouth and blew out creating a small fireball that scorched Henry's snout.

The small one took this as its opportunity and jumped on his back with a yelp. She latched on to his neck while he bucked to get her off. The distraction was enough for my wolf to shift.

He threw his head back and I lunged at his throat biting down hard until I heard a snap. A metallic liquid filled my mouth and both wolves fell to the floor. Its eyes were unfocused and breath started to come out in fast pants.

I shook my head aggressively sending splatters of blood across the room. I nudged the small wolf with my snout guiding her towards the open door. There's no way someone didn't hear that and we needed to get out before someone found their boss dead. The wolf nudged Henry's snout and nuzzled it affectionately.

I made a small bark and waived my head towards the door. My back was burning and vision starting to blur. I trotted to the door of the building I have lived in for way too long. For all I knew I could be days away from home. I glanced behind me to the small she-wolf. She stood closely to my flank, but was swaying slightly.

Thankfully, the door was still slightly ajar allowing us to slip out without using any excess energy. I had only seen two other guards and neither stayed in the prison long enough for me to even catch a good glimpse of. The wind lifted my fur slightly and seemed to dance around me in joy.

Puddles from what must have been a recent rainstorm vibrated faintly lifting out of their own cages to lap at me legs. The she-wolf looked even smaller out here. Most wolves were at least slightly smaller than me due to my alpha lineage, but the one barely reached my chest. It didn't help that her spine was almost visible through the raggedy fur. She was the lightest of brown bordering blonde. Almost like she had just rolled around in dirt and the dirt decided to absorb into the hair and stick there. Her head hunched down with eyes darting in all directions. It was as if she was waiting for the perfect moment to roll over and show her belly in submission.

I looked around the area to try and get a gauge on where we were, but there were hardly any markers. I The prison was on the far backside of the property almost completely hidden amongst the shade of the trees. It backed up against a tall fence that would have been too difficult to jump. The concrete was also too smooth a surface to climb. I probably could have jumped it, but there was no way my new companion would have.

We stood about a mile back from a medium sized house, but a smaller one also sat slightly on the opposite side. I could barely make out the roof around the tight corner. My eyes landed on the only exit. The end of the driveway. Through the trees opening I could see cars passing by, but until we made it through there would be no cover.

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