Jiah took a bite of the crunchy snack. "I went to submit the books to the library today and stumbled on him. He fell off the cycle and got hurt. I was treating his wounds and then those eyes... I don't know what got into me and I - I did it! I kissed him! I fucking kissed him-"

"Language girl!"

"Perks of having you as a best friend." Yoongi rolled his eyes and emptied the remnants of the packet.

"So, you mean, you kissed a random guy whom you have just met and don't have any feeling for him?"

"Yes, but when did I say I don't have any feeling for him?!" Yoongi questionably looked at the younger. "I mean I do like him as a friend! But just not in that way! You know." She was throwing her limbs in every direction to make him understand the situation.

Yoongi who was of calm dementor enjoyed his friend's flustered state. Jiah was a tough nut to crack. Seeing her blushing like crazy over a guy (except Justin) was peculiar.

"What should I do Yoongs?!!"

"First sort out your feelings. Understand that it is romantic, platonic, or ..." He narrowed his eyes, "Or lustful." Jiah nodded in understanding, "Then clear it out to him. Easy!" He clapped his hand and stoop up.

"Okay... but how shall I sort out my feelings??"

Yoongi simply chuckled and went into his room. The 'do not disturb' tang dangled when he closed the door with a 'bang'.

"Argghh!!!! Grumpy cat!" She threw her head on the headrest.


Jiah stood in front of the classroom door and hesitated. She was in a battle with herself about whether to enter or not. To make everything worse, she shared the desk with Jungkook. *Inhale* *Exhale* *inhale* *exhale*.

"Okay, Jiah! You can do it!! Just act normal. You love Justin." She finally opened the door in a swift movement. All the eyes were fixed on her except the particular one.

Jiah sighed in relief when she couldn't spot Jungkook. She would have more time before facing him.

"Hey Girl!" One of her friends called her, "Why do you look as if you just murdered someone?"

"W-what do y-you mean? Ha HA! I am like usual." Sweat trickled down her back. She hoped no one had seen her last day.

"Nope! You are usually sassy and bubbly not like a wet cat

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"Nope! You are usually sassy and bubbly not like a wet cat." Annie pointed out.

"What are you even talking about.... I don't know." She rolled her eyes and tried to act as normal as possible. Was she that much obvious?

"Is Jungkook not coming today?"

Why that name?!! She screamed internally. She was finally able to divert her mind by imagining Yoongi in a fat cat form. Unfortunately, her friend Annie had something else in mind. "J-Jungkook ?? What's wi-th him??"

JUSTIN (JJK)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя