"Well it wasn't my fault, if you-" Pearl broke off, well aware that the other admins were listening. It would be incredibly weird to watch the two bicker like old friends when they had supposedly only spoken a few sentences to each other ever. And most were reprimands and back-talk.

"Well, well, well... both prime admins right where I need them to be." The Head Watcher laughed. Grian and Pearl froze.

"You... ahem... you've captured the other prime admin?" Grian asked quickly. The Head Watcher shot him a look of disdain and confusion.

"Obviously." The Head Watcher snorted, and Grian exhaled in relief. His secret was still safe, but it was currently hanging in the balance. "Guards, bring them to the great hall."

Grian, Pearl, Techno, Xisuma, Mumbo, and the five other admins were grabbed roughly and half dragged up several winding staircases. Grian knew exactly where they were going, though the others did not. He still knew the watcher headquarters like the back of his hand.

When they had reached the throne room-thingie for the Head Watcher, all the admins were thrown roughly to the floor. "Now then, I'll start with her." The Head Watcher pointed to Pearl.

"What are you going to do to her!?" Grian cried, taking the others off guard. Pearl shot Grian a shut up look. Even when she was in the worst predicaments she was still looking out for Grian.

"I'll take her magic first. Of course, it will leave her an empty shell and she'll die in the process - but don't worry, you'll be next." The Head Watcher grinned.

"You're a psychopath!" Grian cried. The Head Watcher merely laughed as he grabbed Pearl by her cloak and pulled her towards him.

Grian watched as her golden magic began to visibly seep out of her into the Head Watcher's body. He watched as her eyelids sagged and she went limp. Yet the golden flow of magic didn't stop there. Tears spilled down Grian's face as he watched his partner's life force literally being sucked out of her.

"ENOUGH!" Grian screamed. A purple pulse of magic shattered Grian's magic muting cuffs and sent the entire watcher court to their knees. All of the chains holding his team broke in the blast, as well. The Head Watcher's spell was interrupted and the magic he had stolen from Pearl promptly flowed back into her.

"Impossible..." The Head Watcher murmured. He had shattered his magic muting cuffs with level eight admin magic. He hadn't even needed to use prime magic. Both the Head Watcher and Xisuma mistook Grian's watcher magic for tier eight - or tier purpura magic.

Xisuma wondered how Grian had leveled up so quickly, and the Head Watcher thought that he had been thwarted again. By the impossibly powerful physical prime admin, insufferable Prime 2. The Head Watcher roared in rage.

Grian quickly realized that the Head Watcher and Xisuma hadn't figured out Grian's secret yet - remarkably, and he made the clever decision to fight with only watcher magic. If he used gold magic Xisuma would immediately realize.

So to the Head Watcher's infuriation, the prime admin didn't even need to use his prime magic to swiftly take down his entire court. Grian turned to the Head Watcher, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Ah, so you continue to amaze me Pri-" Grian silenced the head watcher with a hurried flick. He couldn't afford for his secret to be revealed now. Not after all his years of careful work.

"A duel then, Head Watcher." Grian proposed bravely. He was well aware he couldn't use prime magic, and while Grian was a tier nine watcher, the Head Watcher was a whole other caliber of watcher magic. Xisuma gawked and was too frozen in place to try to stop his fellow hermit's brazen declaration.

Grian sent a shower of purple beams of light at the Head Watcher. The distraction worked, and in the blink of an eye Grian had sent the Head Watcher sprawling with a kick of purple magic. The magic swept the Head Watcher's feet from under him and sent him flailing.

The Head Watcher leered back and shot gleaming purple daggers at Grian. Grian parted the flock of blades with a triangular veil of purple magic. The daggers glanced off the veil and parted their trajectory.

"You'll never beat me." Grian smiled a cocky smirk. The Head Watcher ground his teeth and sent a wave of purple magic at Grian. Grian strained to send the wave back towards the Head Watcher, taking the leader off guard. How did he...

The Head Watcher's train of thought was interrupted as Grian began pelting the Head Watcher with purple arrows. With a grunt, the leader put up a forcefield and sent a storm of purple lightning back towards Grian. Grian managed to dodge half of the strikes, but a few hit him and sent him sprawling.

"Grian!" Mumbo yelled, but Grian shoved him back with a burst of invisible magic. He got to his feet, breathing heavily.

"Alright, time to end this little dance." Grian blasted a chain of purple whips towards the Head Watcher. The opponent merely glanced them away and shot a blast of magic towards Grian. Grian managed to divert most of it, but it still hit him square in the chest.

Grian stumbled backwards, in pain. He couldn't win this fight. "Grab my hands." Grian yelled urgently. Mumbo and Xisuma grabbed both his hands. Pearl quickly dragged herself up onto her knees and took Mumbo's hand weakly. Techno took Pearl's hand hesitantly.

As soon as all the admins were linked, Grian willed them back to headquarters... it took all his remaining energy and magic to teleport all ten admins and redstone genius back to the headquarters.

The Head Watcher watched the group fade away in rage. He had been so close! Why was the blasted Prime 2 so difficult! Not even magic-muting cuffs could hold him... the Head Watcher shook his head. He was going to have to tell Him now... this was not going to end well.

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