Chapter Five: Surprise, Surprise

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Four Months Later...

Morning News

"Five years after the first man to become pregnant, new studies over the years now show not all men know they went through this change. Doctor Aterson, the orginal doctor to discover the first male to have gone through this change and become pregnant is with us to talk about her new findings. All men should stay tuned in to hear this. Jennifer are you there?"

"Yes, I am. Sitting again with Doctor Aterson and it is so nice to see you again. I'm glad you could make it." the woman smiles sitting on a cream colored couch with her legs crossed in a black pencil thin skirt and white buttoned shirt tucked in.

Doctor Aterson sitting on the other side of the couch , dressed in a nice black knee length dress. Not showing too much leg to still come across prefessional yet elegant and persentalable. A obvious glow in her hazel green eyes appearing happy to make another appearance to discuss a topic she loves to speak of.

She adjusts her black squared framed glasses before she begins. "Thank you for having me again. It is always a pleasure to be here to inform people of every piece of knownledge we learn. The more we do the better everyone will be able to be prepared and not in a state of shock."

"Yes, I fully agree and what is it you have to inform the people watching at home and me?" Jennifer replies, curiousity getting the best of her.

"Well, there is a lot people already know and assume but I'm not here to discuss what has been discussed before. Me and fellow colleagues would like people to know we have conducted a number of studies to know exactly how this happens and when. And we recently learned a number of men going to a regular check up found themselve discovering they went through the change without knowing. This is not because they were not well informed of the symptoms. It is simply not all men will notice their body changing from the inside, they will not experience anything out of the ordinary and this small percentage makes it nearly impossible for every man to know it is possible for them."

"So you are saying many men to this date might not even know?"

"Exactly and we are urging them to have regular check ups..."


"What time is it?" I ask hearing the tv in the background, still half asleep laying in bed.

"Six thirty." Skyeler answers with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"It's Saturday." I reply trying to figure out why he has to wake up so early on the weekend.

"I know but I have to work today."

"I thought you had the day off?"

"Thought so too but Aaron texted and said he wants me to work on that barn today."

"Can't you say no?"

"Yeah I can if I wanted to but I want to work. I love what I do."

"And I love when you spend time with me and not choose work over me."

"I'm not going to start this again."

"Start what?"

"An arguement over me working. I told you when we got together sometimes I work a lot, sometimes I don't. Right now work has been picking up."

"Yeah I've noticed and I'm left spending every day by myself or the girls."

"I'm doing this for us."

"For us? You don't need to work all the time. It isn't like I don't work too."

"I gonna go."

"Why? What's so important about working so much? You hate me that much now? Or are you seeing someone else?"

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