Start from the beginning

I weakly smiled at him. I had noticed that everything just went back to normal. Birds chirped all around. A small breeze brushed through the tree branches. The leaves crumbled as they tumbled over each other.

Eddie tongue slid out as he smiled. His dimple creased as his grin quirked. He untucked his hands from his armpits and reached his hand out. I curled my lip in confused as his hand hovered over my head.

"I think we should start to head back to the house." He picked out a leaf from my hair and dramatically flicked it in front of my face before letting it fly down. He smirked in amusement while I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know about you but I am starving." Eddie stuck his hands in his pockets and turned over his shoulder to make his way into the house.

I quietly followed him. Making sure to stay right behind him. Closely sticking to his shoulder.

He hopped on the stairs one by one and reached the porch door. I stood a step behind him, admiring the decor that was hung on the door. I hadn't noticed it in the dark.

He managed to heave open the door, taking a look inside. I saw his head twisting in every direction.

He silently stepped into the house, walking further into the room. I once again waited a moment. But when something scurried behind me. I bolted into the house, closing the door behind me.

Eddie snickered at the scenery. I watched him trot his way over to the kitchen cabinets.

"You really think there's food in here? I mean... how long has this house been, you know, abandoned?" I asked. The answer didn't look to promising. The house looked like it was stormed through and wrecked by animals.

"Oh you know Rick." Eddie chuckled to himself as he flung open the cabinets. "Always getting into trouble!" His voice pitched with fake glee.

"So not for a while huh." I decided. Eddie reached into a cabinet and scooped out a container. Which immediately was shoved back in.

"Nope." He dramatically popped the letter "P" and shook his head. "So.. we are stuck in this house. No food. No actual comfortable shelter. No notice of safety. Plus we are in the middle of nowhere!" I felt my irritated smile twitch.

Eddie had crouched down to search in the bottom cabinets. His pants slid down his waist the slightest, revealing his blue, checkered boxers. "Welp, I'm absolutely positive that Reefer Rick isn't coming back from jail anytime soon to serve us a meal! So those claims are pretty much correct! Congratulations." He scoffed from down below.

I rubbed my forehead and groaned. This was the worst thing to ever happen in my life. I mean, what did I do to deserve this? I'm only 18. I should be getting ready for college and begin preparing for graduation.

I ran my fingers against the table, in hopes of finding something useful. As I wandered, I thought about everything. How all of this happened less than a day. How something completely devastating had happened right before my eyes. I was scared to think that it would happen again. I prayed that Dustin was safe and that nothing bad had happened to anyone or anything.

I mean, I had already lost Chrissy. Who certainly did not deserve having her body snapped like a worthless twig. I felt my heart break a bit when I remembered her big pleading eyes. Anger rose in my chest. I noticed there was something wrong with her. I could have pushed her to tell me what was deeply clouding her mind. I could have figured out what was disturbing this terrified girl. But instead I sat back and turned away from her cries of help.

I focused on the crooked fork displayed on the table. My mind needed to be cleared with these dark thoughts. But my eyes begged to differ. Once again, they flooded with hot tears. My head rose to the ceiling, and I tried to blink away the wave of sadness.

𝐀 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄 - Eddie Munson x Y/n HendersonWhere stories live. Discover now