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"You still don't remember anything, do you, Porsche?" Athi's voice changed into a softer tone.

"Aunt Dao. Aunt Dao is my mother's relative, isn't she?" I tried to find a reason to refute what happened here.

"Aunt Dao is just your mom's friend, who must have been taken away by now."

"It's not true... what am I going to do now?" My head hurts as if a sharp knife has been stuck up in it. With firm hands, I gripped my hair tightly until I began to lose my balance and fell to the ground.

"Ahhhh!! Mom! Dad!"

Suddenly, pictures began to cross my mind. Visions of scenes, blurry then slowly become vivid. A picture of my mother's eye. My father standing and arguing with someone. I was suddenly transported to a very narrow and dark place.

"Hey, hiaa." Che' walked over to me and hugged me tightly as I collapsed to the floor. I'm seeing things and I think I'm going crazy.

"Porche'!! It's back.. it's coming back!" 

"What is it? What is wrong with you?" Both Athi and Che' took water and rubbed my face with it.

"Your parents didn't have an accident." Athi and Che's voices sound like a faraway language I could barely decipher. Inconsistent images run across my eyes like a broken film I am not familiar with.

"Ahh. Father! Don't. Father."

"Your parents were killed. I witnessed it all. But Porsche' was shocked for a year and you need to be in constant medication until you got better, but all of your memories from that moment were wiped out. And you always believed that your parents died in a car accident.

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"You are still a child! You are so young, Porsche.. Ah right here."

Suddenly, Athi's voice changed. A distant memory rang in my ears and thoughts of the past continued to rumble in my head.

"I'm sorry I sent you to that hell again. It's my fault. I have no choice. He threatens me to get the title deed. I promised... Honey.. I'm sorry."

"Dad!! Ahh!!"

"Huh, what is happening? Hiaa, what are you saying?" Che' whispered through my ear softly.

"The person who killed your parents is..."


KINNPORSCHE NOVEL [ENG TRANS - Book 1 Completed]Where stories live. Discover now